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Titanfall 2 client tracking

Table of Contents

  • Tricks and Treats
    • Content and Feature Additions
    • Rebalancing
    • Fixes and Other Changes
    • Future Content
  • Postcards from the Frontier
    • Content and Feature Additions
    • Rebalancing
    • Fixes and Other Changes
    • Future Content
  • Operation Frontier Shield
    • Content and Feature Additions
    • Rebalancing
    • Fixes and Other Changes
    • Future Content
  • The War Games
    • Content and Feature Additions
    • Rebalancing
    • Fixes and Other Changes
    • Future Content
  • Monarch's Reign
    • Content and Feature Additions
    • Rebalancing
    • Fixes and Other Changes
    • Future Content
  • A Glitch in the Frontier
    • Content and Feature Additions
    • Rebalancing
    • Fixes and Other Changes
    • Future Content
  • Colony Reborn
    • Content and Feature Additions
    • Rebalancing
    • Fixes and Other Changes
    • Future Content
  • Live Fire
    • Content and Feature Additions
    • Rebalancing
    • Fixes and Other Changes
    • Future Content
  • Angel City
    • Content and Feature Additions
    • Rebalancing
    • Fixes and Other Changes

Latest Client Changes

31 October 2017 - Tricks and Treats

Content and Feature Additions

  • Even more Elite Warpaints, including Very Spooky Limited Editions™:
    • Heat Sink ELITE - L-Star
    • Crimson Fury ELITE - Mastiff
    • Masterwork ELITE - SMR
    • Halloween ELITE - R-201 (Limited till Nov 28th)
    • Halloween ELITE - CAR (Limited till Nov 28th)
    • Halloween ELITE - Spitfire (Limited till Nov 28th)
  • Big Sales on Bundles:
    • Angel City's Most Wanted
    • Colony Reborn
    • Monarch's Reign
    • Prime Titans
    • Tricks and Treats Elite Warpaints
    • Each is 33% off, ish, because fractions.
  • 2 new Callsign Banners
    • Coop-O'-Lantern
    • No Headshot
    • The basic versions are granted to you immediately, while the versions can be purchased for 1500 credits in-game.
  • More Featured Modes for the near future:
    • Tactikill Attrition
      • Pilot kills completely recharge your tactical
      • Normal Attrition rules otherwise
    • Attack on Titanfall
      • Everyone has Grapple with 3 charges.
      • Normal Attrition rules otherwise
      • I would like to send a big thumbs down to whoever's in charge of the Japanese localization for simply naming the mode "Attack on Titanfall" transliterated in kana (アタック・オン・タイタンフォール), rather than "Shingeki no Titanfall" (進撃のタイタンフォール).
    • ~~The Grand Ruse Cruise~~ The Great Bamboozle
      • Everyone has standard Holopilot
      • Normal Live Fire rules otherwise



  • There are now 2 phases of Spectres being deployed (phases 2 and 3 instead of just 2), and resultingly the final phase will consist of Reapers and Stalkers rather than just Reapers.
    • If you don't know what that means: Attrition runs on a "DEFCON system" (that's what Respawn calls it, anyway) with 8 phases of NPC drops that are advanced by the game progress, which trigger the occasional "Enemy Spectres Incoming" etc. messages. The phases of one team's NPC drops are progressed by the opposing team's score. The order originally went Grunts > Spectres > Stalkers > Reapers > More Reapers > No more Grunts > No more Spectres > No more Stalkers This is why it can be so hard to find "just one minion" in Attrition's late game; they're already all dead and no more are being deployed, there's just Reapers. This will no longer be the case, as the order is now Grunts > Spectres > More Spectres > Stalkers > Reapers > More Reapers > No more Grunts > No more Spectres.
  • Reapers are now worth 3 points, decreased from 5.
  • The score limit has been raised from 600 to 650 points.
  • The time limit has been increased from 10 minutes (I think, maybe) to 15 minutes.

Frontier Defense

  • Joining a game that has already begun will give you a bonus starting amount of money, the Wave Completion bonus for each prior wave (which will be variable depending on your difficulty, check my handy-dandy-will-never-be-finished guide for those numbers)
  • Arc Trap cost increased from $550 to $650.
  • Amped Battery cost decreased from $500 to $400.
  • Pilots are now invincible for 5 seconds after redeploying from the dropship.
  • You can now earn Aegis Ranks while playing Frontier Defense in a Private Match.


  • HP increased from 3000 to 3500.
  • Projectile flight speed increased from 42.6 MPH to 59.7 MPH.
  • Base spread has been decreased by 1 degree, resulting in overall better accuracy than before.
  • These changes does not apply to Single Player.
  • Damage received from all Pilot weapons has been increased, with small arms now dealing 3× damage and explosives dealing 2× damage.

Pilot Sentry

  • HP increased from 600 to 1250.
  • Damage received from all Pilot weapons has been increased, with small arms now dealing 3× damage and explosives dealing 2× damage.

Titan Sentry

  • HP increased from 1250 to 2500.
  • Damage received from all Pilot weapons has been increased, with small arms now dealing 3× damage and explosives dealing 2× damage.


  • Hover
    • Movement speed increased from 8.5 MPH to 10.7 MPH
  • Hover (with Viper Thrusters)
    • Movement speed increased from 12.8 MPH to 15 MPH
  • Cluster Missile
    • Flight speed increased from 128 MPH to 149.3 MPH.

Arc Grenades

  • Arc Grenades are no longer impact-detonated, and instead behave a lot like Softball grenades. Upon impacting a surface (or enemy!), they will stick them and then detonate after 0.75 seconds.
    • Curiously, unlike Softball grenades, Arc Grenades can also be stuck to teammates and your own Titan, rather than just bouncing off.
    • This change does not apply to Single Player.


  • Now has only 1 charge.
  • Cooldown per charge decreased from 16.7 seconds to 10 seconds.


  • Cooldown per charge decreased from 16.7 seconds to 12.5 seconds.

Pulse Blade

  • Cooldown decreased from 33.3 seconds to 25 seconds.
    • Respawn wrote the original value as "40 seconds": Pulse Blade used to wait 7 seconds before it would actually begin recharging, but now it will begin recharging immediately. This should avert some wonkiness with the way charge can be refunded if you die with it on cooldown.
  • Pulse effect duration decreased from 6 seconds to 4.5 seconds.

R201/R101 Carbines

  • Base hipfire spreads in all stances increased from 0 to 2 degrees.
  • Hipfire recoil minimum and maximum in all stances increased by .5 degrees.
  • ADS recoil minimum increased by .5 degrees, maximum increased by 1 whole degree.
    • Mysteriously, the R101's ADS recoil maximum has only been increased by .5 degrees, making it marginally better than the R201. This is probably a typo, and might already be fixed server side. Or maybe it's the R201 that had the typo, we won't know till the next client patch (or if Respawn says something).
  • A before and after video of the R201's recoil can be found here.

V-47 Flatline

  • Yaw recoil randomization has been decreased by .125 of a degree (from 1.25 degrees to 1.125 degrees).
    • This means the recoil should be generally less jerky from side-to-side.
  • Maximum and minimum recoil in every stance has been decreased by .5 of a degree.

SA-3 Mozambique

  • The Mozambique is now a primary weapon.
    • If you had it previously equipped, your loadout will automatically replace it with an RE-45.
  • The Mozambique will now fire in full-auto, with a fire rate increased from 2.5 r/s to 3 r/s (150 RPM to 180 RPM).
  • The longest range damage has been increased from 20×3 to 25×3.
    • Amped damage has not been modified.
  • Base capacity increased from 4 to 6.
  • Extended capacity increased from 7 to 8.

Wingman Elite

  • The Wingman Elite is now a primary weapon.
    • If you had it previously equipped, your loadout will automatically replace it with an RE-45.
  • Close range damage increased from 50 to 75. Mid range damage increased from 50 to 55. Longest range damage remains the same, 35.
    • Amped damage has not been modified.
  • Base capacity reverted from 4 to 6.
  • Extended capacity reverted from 6 to 8.

Fixes and Other Changes

  • Arc Traps should no longer remain in the field after a restart or trying to pick them up.
  • Firing at an enemy Tone's critical zones behind her amped wall will not longer deal more damage to the wall than intended.
  • Weapon skin names in the loadout menu actually work now.

Future Content

  • Colony and Glitch are likely to be the next Frontier Defense maps. I'd genuinely thought they were in this update until I double checked, because they appear mostly finished. Wave names, for fun:
    • Colony
      • Wave 1 - "United We Stand"
      • Wave 2 - "Seeking the Main Path"
      • Wave 3 - "Cutting Another Path"
      • Wave 4 - "Blind Patch"
      • Wave 5 - "Divided We Ambush"
    • Glitch
      • Wave 1 - "Initializing…"
      • Wave 2 - "6982827982"
      • Wave 3 - "( 0x48A )"
      • Wave 4 - "#define ESPIPE ( 5^2 );"
      • Wave 5 - "ERROR ID === 42"
      • There's probably some Big Nerd Jokes in here, but I wouldn't know them off the top of my head. If anyone more learned wants to enlighten us, please do. They could just be fun ways of expressing the number of enemies in each wave or something.
  • Featured Mode:
  • Amped Tacticals
    • "Classic Attrition rules except Tactical abilities are more powerful."
    • Cloak: Cooldown decreased from 20 seconds to 10 seconds.
    • Grapple: 2 charges, 3.3 second cooldown per charge.
    • Stim: 2 charges, 12.5 second cooldown per charge.
    • Holopilot: 3 charges, 8.3 second cooldown per charge.
    • Phase Shift: 2 charges, 7.5 second cooldown per charge.
    • Amped Wall: 2 charges, 10 second cooldown per charge.
    • Pulse Blade: 2 charges, 12.5 second cooldown per charge.
  • This could totally already be available like the Jumpstarter Kit was when I thought it wasn't, but there's an entry for a "GameStop Starter Kit". I wouldn't know because who the hell goes to GameStop?

Older Changes

29 August 2017 - Postcards from the Frontier

Content and Feature Additions

  • New Frontier Defense Map support:
    • Exoplanet
    • Drydock
    • Angel City
  • New Live Fire Map: UMA
    • "Tight corridors guide combat into three arenas flanked by balconies, doorways, and windows. A large central divider provides cover for short range effectiveness, with a long flank that opens opportunities for confident marksmen."
  • New Execution: Hole in the Wall
    • "Build a wall, and let bullets go through them."
    • Unlock by killing 5 Pilots with an AWall up.
      • Note the phrasing here, the stat is simply tracking kills with an AWall active, not necessarily utilizing it. Feel free to just throw down an AWall and then completely ignore it to farm the kills needed.
  • A buncha community meme banners.
    • Each is purchasable for a whopping 1500 credits standard and 3000 in Prism.
  • More Elite Warpaints:
    • Thunderbolt "8-Bit" ELITE
    • Spitfire "Lead Farmer" ELITE
    • Devotion "RSPN Custom" ELITE
    • Hemlock "Mochi" ELITE
    • Kraber "Masterwork" ELITE
    • R-97 "Purple Fade" ELITE
    • R-201 "Frontier Patriot" ELITE
    • Mozambique "Crimson Fury" ELITE
  • New Featured Modes: Aegis LTS and Aegis Titan Brawl
    • The respective modes but with your FD Aegis unlocks enabled
    • Matches in the modes do not level your Aegis unlocks, so you'd best be at max crank or you're gonna have a real bad time
  • New option for "Hold To Rodeo: Friendlies only"
  • You can now set a Private Lobby to be "Locked", which will prevent anyone from joining it.
  • You can now play Frontier Defense in a Private Lobby.
    • Naturally, there will be no leveling or unlocks rewarded for doing so.
  • Repeatedly leaving matches can now incur a matchmaking penalty, preventing you from entering matchmaking for several minutes.
    • Respawn's patch notes claim that this is only effective in Frontier Defense, but the warning text for leaving any match will claim that you may be penalized. Because all the logic behind this is server sided, I can't find any code to verify which is the case.
    • Either way, it's not currently clear what the thresholds are, and I'm not very inclined to test and find out myself, so just don't be an ass and you won't have to worry about it, I guess.



  • You are now limited to a maximum of 6 Ticks in your inventory at once.

Pilot Sentry

  • You are now limited to a maximum of 3 Sentries in your inventory at once.

Titan Sentry

  • You are now limited to a maximum of 3 Sentries in your inventory at once.

Holo Pilot Nova

  • You are now limited to a maximum of 3 Novae in your inventory at once.


  • [Frontier Defense] Tone's 6th Aegis Upgrade, Signal Strength, now increases the effect time of Sonar Pulse to 10 seconds, increased from 8 seconds.
    • For reference: the base time is 5 seconds.


  • [Frontier Defense] The effects of Ion's 1st and 4th Aegis Upgrades, Split Shot Power and Split Shot Efficiency, have been combined into just "Split Shot Power" in her 1st upgrade.
  • [Frontier Defense] To fill the open 4th upgrade slot, Ion now has the "Laser Shot Power" upgrade which increases the critical hit multiplier of Laser Shot from 1.5× to 2.0×.


  • [Frontier Defense] The effect of Monarch's 6th Upgrade, XO-16: Critical Hit, has been improved to increase the critical hit multiplier of the XO-16 from 1.75× to 2.0×.
    • For reference: the base multiplier is 1.5×.

Fixes and Other Changes

  • Once the Warpaint is purchased, the Titan Warpaints' included Frontier Defense pauldron can now be equipped on your Titan regardless of your equipped camo/warpaint, and even on Prime Titan chassis.
    • Equipping the pauldron will not grant the Aegis Bonus in Frontier Defense, only the Warpaint will.
  • The Team Titan Selection screen used for LTS and Frontier Defense now has a button to edit your Pilot loadouts, as well as a chat box on PC.
    • Curiously, there is still no button to change your Boost, meaning it is still impossible to change your Boost during a game of LTS. I'll try to have a mod released to address this (again) ASAP.
  • Xboners and PS4 players can now access the "Classic Frontier Defense music" option.
  • Newly unlocked notifications for a weapon in your third inventory slot can be properly dismissed now without having to swap the weapon around the slots.
  • Fixed Legion's Long Range Power Shots occasionally piercing a target more than once for more damage.
  • Giving a friendly doomed Titan an Amped Battery will now give them a full overshield in addition to reviving them.
  • The red haze of enemy critical zones will no longer be visible when enemies are cloaked by Cloak Drones.
  • Monarch's health bar should now always be accurate when Superior Chassis is active.
  • For now I'm just calling this an "other change" but it might be just a bug: The sound of a battery being removed from your Titan by an enemy rodeo is now considerably quieter, making it a bit tougher to whip around and nail them in a fight.

Future Content

  • Further information on the "Jumpstarter Kit":
    • Purchased in-game, like a cosmetic DLC
    • Permanently unlocks all Pilot Tacticals and Titans
    • Includes the Underground Elite R-201 Warpaint
    • Grants 500 credits and 10 Double XP Tokens
  • A bunch of code used to kick off functions for several so-far-absent game modes has been commented out. I really don't know how to interpret this, because if the modes were completely cut you'd think they'd have just deleted them or moved them to do-not-ship like they have in the past. Noting this in case it's something more than nothing.
  • Last month I was able to find several unused Elite Warpaint designs. None of these have been released yet, but the R-201 having 2 skins, 1 of which being a recycled design, suggests that they might not all be totally scrapped.
    • At some point I'll definitely be checking if there are any new ones in the client, but the process to do so is pretty tedious so we'll see when I feel like it.
    • I swear to god if that Mastiff Masterwork skin isn't released there will be bodies

25 July 2017 - Operation Frontier Shield

Content and Feature Additions

  • New Mode: Frontier Defense
    • "Protect the Harvester. Survive."
    • 4 player co-op PVE.
    • Not everything that has been reported in this doc has made it into the final version of the mode, namely Pilot Tactical upgrades and some NPC classes.
    • Each Titan has received a new set of unlocks that are currently exclusive to Frontier Defense. It's quite a bit of content, so I've detailed them in a separate site here.
  • New Map: Rise
  • New Live Fire Map: Township
  • New warpaints for Titans and select Pilot weapons
    • Press your eyeballs against them: http://www.respawn.com/warpaints
  • Private Match lobbies on PC will have a chat box, for real this time!


Pilot Melee

  • Punch range increased from 2.5 feet to 3.75 feet.
  • Lunge range decreased from 8.13 feet to 6.89 feet.
  • Lunge animation time increased from 0.2 sec to 0.3 sec.

Phase Shift

  • Now carries only 1 charge instead of 2.
  • Cooldown per-charge decreased from 20 sec to 15 sec.

R201/R101 Carbines

  • Amped medium range damage decreased from 35 to 21. Amped longest range damage decreased from 25 to 16.

Hemlok BF-R

  • Amped close range damage decreased from 45 to 43. Amped longest range damage decreased from 30 to 25.


  • Close range damage decreased from 45 to 40.
  • Firerate decreased from 7 r/s to 5.5 r/s (420 RPM to 330 RPM).

V-47 Flatline

  • Medium range damage decreased from 25 to 20.
  • Amped close range damage decreased from 45 to 35. Amped medium range damage decreased from 35 to 25. Amped longest range damage decreased from 20 to 18.


  • Medium range damage decreased from 17 to 13.
  • Amped medium range damage decreased from 25 to 16. Amped longest range damage decreased from 20 to 13.


  • Medium range damage decreased from 25 to 18. Longest range damage decreased from 15 to 14.
  • Amped close range damage decreased from 50 to 45. Amped medium range damage decreased from 35 to 20. Amped longest range damage decreased from 25 to 17.


  • Medium range damage decreased from 18 to 15. Longest range damage decreased from 14 to 12.
  • Amped medium range damage decreased from 25 to 18. Amped longest range damage decreased from 20 to 15.


  • Close range damage decreased from 23 to 20. Medium range damage decreased from 18 to 12.
  • Amped close range damage decreased from 33 to 25. Amped medium range damage decreased from 33 to 15. Amped longest range damage decreased from 24 to 13.


  • Amped longest range damage decreased from 25 to 23.

X-55 Devotion

  • Amped longest range damage decreased from 20 to 17.

Longbow DMR

  • Firerate decreased from 3.5 r/s to 3 r/s (210 RPM to 180 RPM).
  • Amped damage decreased from 80 at all ranges to 75 at all ranges.


  • Amped close range damage decreased from 30 × 8 to 25 × 8. Amped medium and longest range damages decreased from 17 × 8 to 16 × 8.

Hammond P2016

  • Close range damage decreased from 40 to 30. Medium range damage decreased from 30 to 20. Longest range damage decreased from 20 to 15.
  • Consequently, suppressed close range damage decreased from 32 to 20. Suppressed medium range damage decreased from 25 to 18. Suppressed longest range damage decreased from 15 to 13.
  • Amped close range damage decreased from 45 to 35. Amped medium range damage decreased from 35 to 25. Amped longest range damage decreased from 25 to 17.

Wingman Elite

  • Base ammo capacity decreased from 6 rounds to 4 rounds. Extended ammo capacity decreased from 8 rounds to 6 rounds.
    • Entertainingly, the model was not updated to reflect this.
  • Close range damage decreased from 75 to 50.
  • Amped close range damage increased from 90 to 95. Amped medium range damage decreased from 75 to 70. Amped longest range damage increased from 45 to 55.

SA-3 Mozambique

  • Firerate decreased from 3 r/s to 2.5 r/s (180 RPM to 150 RPM).

B3 Wingman

  • Close range damage decreased from 55 to 40. Medium range damage decreased from 45 to 40.
  • Amped close range damage decreased from 90 to 50. Amped medium range damage increased from 50 to 55? Amped longest range damage increased from 35 to 40.


  • Can no longer lock onto cloaked targets, regardless of Pilot or NPC.

Smart Pistol

  • Can no longer lock onto cloaked targets, regardless of Pilot or NPC.


  • Damage dealt from running over a Stalker in your Titan has been decreased from 1250 to just 500 (1/2 a bar to 1/5 a bar).
  • HP has been decreased from 250 to 150.

All Titans

  • Overcore will now deploy your Titan with 20% core charge instead of 30%.
  • Electric Smoke is mow earned at 20% core charge instead of 25%.


  • Sword Block's effectiveness has been decreased by 5%, meaning that it will now block 70% of damage and 85% in Sword Core, decreased from 75% and 90%.


  • Now has 1 base dash, with a cooldown of 10 seconds. Equipping Turbo Engine will cut that cooldown to 5 seconds (an improvement to its original cooldown of 6 seconds).
  • Tempered Plating now provides complete immunity to your own thermite, and also removes Scorch's critical hit zones.
  • Wildfire Launcher now increases the impact damage of the Thermite Launcher from 800 to 1000.
  • The trails from Flame Core when using the Scorched Earth kit have an increased duration, from 1 second to 1.5 seconds.


  • Now has 1 base dash, with a cooldown of 10 seconds. Equipping Turbo Engine will cut that cooldown to 5 seconds (an improvement to its original cooldown of 6 seconds).
  • Power Shots with Hidden Compartment equipped do 15% less damage to Titans, meaning 1800 damage decreased from 2000.
    • With Close Range mode, this means each pellet will be doing 112.5 damage instead of 125.
    • With Long Range mode, this only affects the impact damage. The explosion will still do its full 1800 damage to Titans.


  • Critical Hits with Entangled Energy now restore 30 damage, or 8 when split, increased from 20 and 5.
  • Frontier Defense only: Splitter Cannon damage globally increased by 10%.
  • Frontier Defense only: Laser Shot damage against Titans increased by 25%.
  • Frontier Defense only: Laser Core damage globally increased by 45%.


  • XO-16 capacity increased from 35 to 40 rounds.
  • Consequently, XO-16 capacity with Arc Rounds installed raised from 45 to 50 rounds.
  • Energy Siphon now decreases your movement speed to 70% base speed and turning speed to 80%, less severe than the original 50% movement speed and 65% turn speed (which are still the case with any other EMP such as Arc Grenades).
  • Arc Rounds shield drain against Vortex and Flame Shields decreased from 5% per round to 3.3%.
  • Frontier Defense only: XO-16 damage against Titans decreased by 20%.
  • Frontier Defense only: Salvo Rocket damage against infantry decreased by 20%.
  • Frontier Defense only: MTMS damage damage globally decreased by 20%.

Fixes and Other Changes

  • Grenade indicators will be constantly visible again.
  • Fixed Scorch being unable to ignite his gas with the Flame Core. You're welcome! :wink:
  • The transitions between menus for your Titan and Pilot loadouts have comfy and smooth camera movement now.
  • Improvements to the Pilot Weapons and Titan stats screens, with the models in-engine so you can kiss them. Comparisons here.

Future Content

  • Decent chance that the next Frontier Defense maps are Angel City and Eden, judging by them already having (temporary) names for their waves.
  • There's some stuff in the backend for Private Match settings that suggest you might be able to play Frontier Defense in there some time.
  • Entitlement entries for a "Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition" and "Titanfall 2 Jumpstarter Kit" have been released, presumably being the game bundled with some quantity of DLC.
  • The next Pilot Execution will be for the Amped Wall. Who'da thunk. I actually found the animations a while ago, but there is now code in the execution script that is loading the AWall disc a prop, so it's extra confirmed.
    • No indication of what the unlock condition will be yet.

↵ Top

27 June 2017 - The War Games

Content and Feature Additions

  • New Map: War Games
    • "Pilots on the Frontier frequently use simulator pods to train, using life-like recreations of historical battles as combat scenarios."
  • New Live Fire Map: Traffic
    • "A weathered test site where pilot positioning is pitted against mobility across two busy thoroughfares."
  • New Execution: Shadow Boxing
  • New Mode: Free Agents
    • "Free-for-all with a twist. Collect 3 batteries to call in a Titan. Battery locations are placed around the map. Pilots drop batteries on death."
    • Featured mode, will be be in the featured slot eventually.
  • Titan Brawl added to matchmaking queues.
    • Assist tracking replaced with Titan damage in Titan Brawl's scoreboard.
  • Pilots can now carry 3 weapons, both a sidearm and an AT weapon.
  • A buncha new Private Match settings.


Amped Weapons

  • Amped Weapons is a now temporary boost, applying its effect for only 30 seconds after activation.
  • Dropped Amped weapons will keep on ticking down the timer and can expire on their own, so while mugging Pilots for their Amped weapons can still work it won't be as effective.
  • Respawn's patch notes claim that Amped damage has also been decreased, but there's nothing in the client to actually back that up. It might have been (another) last second change that had to be put out server-side or something?


  • Very far damage decreased from 14 to 10.

Fixes and Other Changes

  • The Epilogue evacuation ship will now depart as soon as all living players have boarded.
  • Various improvements to the CTF UI.
  • Running over a Stalker now deals 1250 damage to Titans (the full damage of their power supplies). They've been painted red in MP to distinguish them from the less hurty ones in SP.
    • Titans approaching a Stalker will be shown an indicator arrow as if they were a grenade or Tick.
    • The explosion spawned by this may have a radius of 20 feet that could potentially cause collateral damage beyond just the Titan responsible; testing is needed. Pilots accidentally detonating Stalkers and damaging friendly Titans was already always a concern, this would be some hellish payback from the Titans to friendly Pilots.
  • Monarch no longer accidentally gains two charges of smoke when using Overcore; this was actually fixed like ~2 weeks ago in the same server-sided change that brought the R97's very far damage down a bit more.
  • Whenever it comes back, High TTK mode will support suppressors for pistols now.

Future Content

  • Entries for Prime skins have been added for each Pilot weapon in the text banks. Each Primary and Sidearm has 6 skins, while each AT weapon has 3.
    • It's not currently clear if these will be model variants or just unique textures, but the quantity of them points towards the latter.
  • A new status effect has been added for "damage_received_multiplier". Jarate, anyone?
  • Frontier Defense:
    • Plasma Drones have been added. You might remember them as the flying drones that fired small plasma shots in SP.
    • Titans class has been given Frontier Defense-exclusive upgrades, but it's not clear if these will be optional equipment, tied to boosts, or automatically applied in the mode:
      • All Titans
        • 2500 extra HP
      • Ion
        • Energy regeneration rate increase from 80/s to 100/s
        • Maximum energy increase from 1000 to 1250
        • Kills with Laser Core extend its firing time, 2 more seconds for titans, 1 second for Reapers, and 0.3 seconds for anything else
        • Splitter Rifle shots consume 20 energy instead of 30 when split
          • This would be 23 energy instead of 35 if using Refraction Lens
      • Tone
        • 40mm Cannon blast radius increased to 14 feet from 9 feet
        • 40mm Cannon can load 24 shells, doubled from 12
        • Sonar Pulses last 8 seconds, increased from 5 seconds
        • Sonar Pulses can do damage somehow
        • Salvo Core outputs double the rockets
      • Monarch
        • Threat-scope highlighting for XO-16
        • XO-16 spread halved, and can zoom in further like the Railgun
        • XO-16 rounds restore 35 shield per shot hit against enemy Titans
      • Ronin
        • Gain Core Meter by blocking damage, formula seems to be (Damage blocked * 0.00007)
        • 1.5x Phase Dash speed
        • 1.25x Sword damage
        • Two charges of Phase Dash
        • Sword Core lasts twice as long
      • Northstar
        • Railgun critical hit scale increase from 1.5x to 2.0x
        • Railgun charges 1.7x faster
        • "Attack Tethers", which are presumably tethers that will do damage somehow, but there's not any code for more details yet
      • Legion
        • Gunshield health increase from 2500 to 7500 (Bulwark puts it at 5000)
        • Two Power Shots and 1.15x recharge rate
        • Smart Core lasts twice as long
        • Larger spread for Close Range Power Shot
        • Long Range Power Shots do 1.5x damage for every target the shell passes through
        • 180 rounds loaded at once, increased from 100
        • Normal Predator Cannon fire can pass through targets
        • No movement speed decrease at all while Cannon is spun up
        • 1.4x faster reload
      • Scorch
        • Replace gas canisters with explosive barrels that detonate when damaged
        • Flame Core sends out two waves
        • All thermite damage increased to 1.2x
        • Gain core at 1.5x normal rate
        • Thermite Launcher can load 2 shells, upgradeable to 3 shells, and performs a per-shell reload like the Mastiff
    • Some things that will be on the minimap: Loadout Chest, Battery Exchange, Boost Store, Mortar Position, and Arc Traps.
    • Another new Boost: "Rodeo Grenade", or "Super Rodeo". No other details yet.
    • A sandbag prop has also been added. Probably just to be spawned around the map as extra cover, but it would be cool if they were a deployable or something.
    • Tablet and knife props has been added for Droz, while Gates has been given a P2016. For the intro animations, presumably.
  • Prism versions of each of the Titan Regeneration callsigns have been added in devmode, but there are currently no associated unlock conditions.

↵ Top

30 May 2017 - Monarch's Reign

Content and Feature Additions:

  • New Titan: Monarch
    • "Mid-range Vanguard-class Titan that can upgrade itself on the battlefield."
    • Monarch Bounty Titans: Sovereign, Empress, Tyrant, Viceroy, and Pharaoh.
  • New Map: Relic
    • "Parts salvaged from this old IMC shipwreck are sent into the valley below for further processing."
  • New Execution: Now You See Me
  • Prime Titan: Tone Prime
  • Prime Titan: Ronin Prime
  • New Pilot Kit: Titan Hunter
    • Destroying a Titan gives an extra 10% to your Earn meter.
  • Banners added for Generations 10 to 100.
  • Buncha new cosmetics to buy.
  • The feature to invite friends to a network from within the game has been added.



  • Damage done to Titan Shields now generate Earn/Core meter just like normal Titan damage.
  • Titan Earn/Core meter percentage earned from damage dealt to other Titans decreased from 0.0075% to 0.007% per point of damage.
  • Titan Executions can no longer be prevented by Titan Shields.


  • Kills with the Tactikill weapon mod will now reward 25% of a tactical's charge instead of 33%.

R201/R101 Carbines

  • Very far damage increased from 10 to 12.


  • Damage decreased from 35-30-20 to 30-25-15.
  • Amped damage decreased from 50-35-25 to 45-35-20.


  • Very far damage decreased from 16 to 14. Yep. That's it.


  • Near damage increased from 23 to 25.
  • Amped near damage increased from 25 to 35.
  • Vertical recoil widened from -0.01°-0.1° per shot to -0.15°-0.35° per shot.
  • Horizontal recoil increased from 0.0°-0.3° per shot to 0.1°-0.4° per shot.


  • Damage decreased from 35-30-25 to 25-20-15.
  • Amped damage decreased from 45-40-30 to 35-20-25.

Longbow DMR

  • Amped damage decreased from 100 to 80.

RE-45 Autopistol

  • Suppressed damage increased from 17-12-9 to 20-14-12.

Hammond P2016

  • Near damage decreased from 45 to 40.
  • Very far damage added, taking effect at 125 feet, and scaling down to 20 damage.
  • Suppressed damage adjusted from 30-25 to 32-25-15.
  • Amped very far damage added, set to 25.

SA-3 Mozambique

  • Suppressed damage increased from 17-13 to 20-16.


  • Suppressed damage increased from 40-20-10 to 40-35-25.
  • Amped near damage decreased from 100 to 90.


  • Laser Shot maximum damage to Titans reduced from 2800 to 2400.
    • Nitty gritty: Laser Shot used to do 1400 damage on impact and up to another 1400 damage from its explosion, though that maximum damage was rarely properly applied in full thanks to how inconsistent explosive damage tends to be with direct hits. Both values have now been lowered to 1200.
  • Laser Shot energy cost increased from 500 to 550 (out of 1000 total).
  • Laser Core damage reduced from 350 to 325 (DPS reduced from 3500 to 3250).

Fixes and Other Changes:

  • Crash Site has a bunch of ziplines now and some improved collision clipping for player movement.
  • Friendly turrets will now be visible on the minimap.
  • CTF Flag Return radius redefined to 6.25 feet (previous value unknown).
  • Network invites will now show the actual patches of everyone joining instead of just question marks.
  • The manifestation of spooky flying ghost Gunshields should be fixed now.
  • Scorch and Tone can no longer melee while their cores are active.
  • Melee fixes, allegedly, again.

Future Content:

(note: details are somewhat speculatory based on sparse amounts of game code and text bank tokens)

  • The playlist setting "enable_coliseum_party" has been added, suggesting that something like a Wingman Coliseum mode might be coming soon.
  • Settings for "low_ttk" and "tactical_rebalance" been added, probably for the "major balancing changes" that Respawn intends to play with as a featured mode. Judging from existing values, it might be a mode where everyone has half HP and will definitely have some various weapon performance changes. I will compile the changes to each weapon in a table some time soon, hopefully before the mode actually goes live.
  • The typo in Archon's name introduced in the last patch was fixed, so that's still a big "maybe."
  • Frontier Defense:
    • Added to the playlists settings:
      • 3 waves?
      • 2500 points to win?
      • 4 players
      • Definitely uses its own boost system
      • Not indicitive of anything, but only supports Angel City right now, as we saw in the roadmap image a few weeks ago.
    • New text was also added to display a player's "Frontier Level" and "Frontier Generation", so FD will likely use its own separate leveling system in addition to its own currency. With that in mind, it seems like FD is meant to be a completely separate mode of play, as in "Campaign, Multiplayer, and Frontier Defense."
    • Lots of new code added to the item/inventory system to complement that, allowing for a separate pool of unlocks and loadouts for FD.
    • More NPCs added, including ticks and AI settings for each base Titan type.
    • Code added so the gamemode can override your MP Faction setting, presumably to set you up to be in the 6-4 as mentioned in prior patch notes.
    • Some new code referring to an "Arc Trap" has appeared. The actual datablocks for it don't seem to be in the client, so anyone's guess what it is, but they'll be big enough to be visible on the minimap like a turret apparently. Classifying this as FD feature because it's loaded alongside a bunch of other FD stuff in dev mode.
    • NPCs will be able to carry and lock-on with Archers.
    • A mod was added to Legion's Gunshield for NPCs to have it up indefinitely.
    • All anti-Titan weapons have received internal mods to support an infinite ammo pool.
    • New Boost Icons for the Boost Store: Arc Traps, something for the Harvester, and the Nuke Titan drop. I think.
  • Gamemode settings added for a team to share a Titan Earn/Core Meter, perhaps for a wacky featured mode?
  • Code to track executions while a Holo Pilot is active has been added, and the item datablock for the Holo execution has been added, requiring 20 kills with a Holo active to unlock it. Seems this one should begin tracking now, but it might require you to run the game in dev mode first?
  • Datablocks do exist for warpaints for Monarch, but the actual items in the arrays (which aren't in the VPKs) are disabled so I can't get a look at them. No clue why they're disabled to start with.

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25 April 2017 - A Glitch in the Frontier

Content and Feature Additions:

  • New Map: Glitch
    • "Pilot Simulator"
    • "A medium-sized map designed for objective modes and inspired by Captain Lastimosa’s home planet of Harmony. Vertical drops and long, twisting paths dominate the environment, perfect for chaining together long wall runs to seamlessly glide across the map."
  • New Live Fire Map: Deck
    • "MRVN run facility for Pilot combat simulation and observation."
    • "Tight interior spaces, exposed courtyards, and watchful drones circling overhead. You may see a M.R.V.N. or two puttering around in the background."
  • New Faction: M.R.V.N. - Marvin's Finest Hour
    • For anyone who wants a little less chatter in their ear. If you'd still like to know what the MRVN unit is saying, you can turn on subtitles to see it all.
    • Call me crazy, but something about him smells of an ARG. Just gives me that feeling, with a dynamic day counter and previous hintings on the Titanfall Twitter...
  • New Execution: Get to the Point
    • "Show your opponent up close how sharp a Pulse Blade is."
    • Pulse Blade execution. Unlock it by getting 10 kills with a Pulse Blade direct hit. May be unlocked retroactively if you already meet the requirement.
  • New Featured Gamemodes:
    • Titan Brawl
      • "Think of this as Team Deathmatch with just Titans. 5v5 mode with Titans only (no ejecting or disembarking) and respawning in Titans. Each kill counts for 1 point and first team to 30 points wins."
    • Iron Last Titan Standing
      • "It's the Last Titan Standing you know and love with a few new rules. 5v5 with no ejecting and no batteries."
    • Marked for Death
      • "6v6. One member of each team is Marked as targets and both teams must defend their target while trying to kill the other team’s target. Once one of the marked players are killed, the surviving Mark’s team is rewarded a point. After a few seconds, new Marks are chosen. First team to 10 kills wins."
      • Titanfall 1 returnee
    • Each mode will be rotated around as featured modes
  • Main menu spruced up with a new background video and some featured content highlights from Respawn.
  • Pilot Regeneration cap raised from 10 to 100.
    • You'll get a new "Generation Card" attached to your calling card every 10 generations starting after G10.
  • Live Fire maps and the mode are now available in Private Matches.
    • All maps support the Live Fire gamemode.
    • Live Fire designated maps (Stacks, Meadows, and Deck) support the Live Fire, Amped Hardpoint, Pilot vs Pilot, and Capture the Flag gamemodes.
  • If you own them, you can now swap between Prime and Standard Titan executions for each of your Titans, or have it set to Random.
    • There's also some nice hints about the Ronin and Tone Prime executions in there...
  • When matchmaking is has found and is connecting you a to a match, it will helpfully make a sound to let you know so. If you're a PC player, make sure you've enabled Audio > Sound In Background so you can hear it when Alt+Tab'd.
  • There is now a 1 in 100 chance of an "Easter Egg" dropship animation.


All Titans

  • Punches now have a limited angle of effect of 30 degrees. This is a fixed angle in front of you, similar to weapon spread.


  • Ejecting will now cancel any charging Power Shot, preventing post-mortem shots.


Arc Grenades

  • Maximum charges decreased from 2 to 1.
  • Cooldown time per charge decreased from 18.2 seconds to 12.5 seconds.

X-55 Devotion

  • Amped close range damage decreased from 50 to 45.
  • Amped very far damage decreaased from 40 to 30.

EVA-8 Shotgun

  • Ideal damage distance decreased from 12.5 feet to 6.25 feet, meaning damage falloff will be much steeper.
  • Pellet spread increased from 6 degrees to 8 degrees.


  • Crosshair redesigned to more accurately represent pellet spread.
  • First stage of bolt growth time/distance sped up from 0.075 seconds/4.3 meters to 0.025 seconds/1.4 meters.
    • If you don't know what bolt growth is: In a nutshell some projectile weapons' projectiles get bigger over time as they fly. Basically, the Mastiff's shots will become bigger faster. For more information about weapon bolt stats, consult the table.

Charge Rifle

  • Close range anti-Titan damage raised from 825 to 1025. Long range anti-Titan damage raised from 525 to 725.
  • Consequently, close range anti-Titan damage while using the Charge Hack mod raised from 575 to 775. Long range anti-Titan damage raised from 200 to 400.
  • Amped close range anti-Titan damage raised from 1200 to 1400. Long range anti-Titan damage raised from 900 to 1100.
  • Amped close range anti-Titan damage while using the Charge Hack mod raised from 950 to 1150. Long range anti-Titan damage raised from 575 to 775.


  • Launch speed decreased from 76.6 MPH to 51 MPH.
  • Turning speed decreased from 12.8 MPH to 5.3 MPH.
  • Top speed decreased from 85.1 MPH to 59.6 MPH.
  • Amped top speed decreased from 68.1 MPH to 55.3 MPH.

Fixes and Other Changes:

  • Ronin will now correctly block all damage consistently.
  • Sunflares removed from Colony, Exoplanet, and Forwardbase Kodai. For whatever reason, this is done via a function which checks a setting in the current server playlist rather than just removing the entity from the maps themselves. Whatever floats your boat, Respawn.
  • Hitting an Amped Wall will now produce hitmarkers, like with other particle walls.
  • Weapons using the Tri crosshair (R-201, R-101, R97, CAR, G2A4, Hemlok) will no longer have the center dot disappear when firing.
  • The reticle of the R-101's AOG will no longer be hidden when cloaked.
  • Core Gain from Titan Damage in SP will now be the correct amount (0.01% per point of damage) rather than the value it was nerfed to in MP last patch (0.0075% per point of damage).
  • The chat window will now be scootched down and out of the way of the Top 3 Pilots display at the end of a match.
  • Network/Party Chat will remain persistent between matches.

Future Content:

(note: details are somewhat speculatory based on sparse amounts of game code and text bank tokens)

  • Thanks to the addition of a menu to select Titan executions, names have been provided for Ronin and Tone Primes' executions:
    • Tone: Target Acquired
    • Ronin: Thunder and Lightning
  • Ramm (the Berserker/Fighter Ogre Titan) had his punch also specifically updated with the Titan punch nerf, with an effective angle of 45 degrees. If they're balancing him, maybe he's not completely off the table yet.
  • On a related note, Archon (the Arc Cannon Stryder Titan) had his name token updated slightly. It almost seems like a typo (they moved an underscore into the middle of the word "Stryder", creating "NPC_TITAN_STRYDE_RARC"), but it's worth noting. Better safe than sorry.
  • A new Titan Ability was added for Nuke Ejection. This is probably just for Frontier Defense.
    • It also has references to a "Spider" passive (Nuke Ticks?) and an "Ordnance Core" (for Mortar Titans?).
    • The Boost Activation "weapon" was updated to support a "Nuke Titan" boost.
  • The Archer has received a "Mortar Mode" mod. Seems to give the rockets tickles for damage, so I imagine this is a placeholder for more Frontier Defense things as they work on them.
  • The Kraber has received a "PVE Elite" mod. Raises its damage from 49 per round to 70 when used by NPCs. Sniper Spectres, here we come.
  • Frontier Defense development continues, with new NPCs and features:
    • Mortar Spectres, who will be equipped with the above mentioned Archers with the Mortar mod. Curiously, they are seemingly set not to attack the Harvester, so they will presumably be expressly for Pilot suppression and harassment.
    • Boss Titans for each class. For now they seem mostly identical to normal NPC Titans, but also seem to have unique camos and decals associated with them.
    • Cloak Drones have been lying around for a while as a cut piece of equipment for Engineer Pilots, but have now had some movement stats tossed into them, so they'll likely be back for FD.
    • Specialists have had their model set to be the Shield Captains, confirming they will be some variant of them.
    • Pilot and Titan Sentries have had separate playertypes added for FD, with (effectively) no time limit but significantly less HP, 150 and 300 respectively.
    • It seems there will be a separate system of currency for PVE. Can't tell if it'll be persistent between matches or MOBA-styled currency that is only for the match, only that there'll be a starting amount of 500. A few reward values for kills have already been set.
    • Models for Droz and Davis are being loaded with "FD" prefixes, so I wonder who the player faction will be???
  • Monarch development rolls along, with some varied additions and changes to existing files.
    • Only real new number: Superior Chassis will raise her HP from 10000 to 15000.
    • Some new unique assets now, rather than recycling Tone's animations.
  • More support for minimap resizing and zooming added. Implementation to live when!?
  • Some stuff discussing a "Boost Store". Burn Cards for Frontier Defense or something, maybe?

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30 March 2017 - Colony Reborn

(includes server-sided changes made immediately following the Live Fire patch, and who knows how many subsequent changes made quietly)

Content and Feature Additions:

  • New Map: Colony
  • New Weapon: R-101 Carbine
    • "Factory issue scoped predecessor of the R-201 rifle."
    • Comes with an AOG in place of iron sights
    • Stats are identical to the R-201
  • New Execution: Curb Check
  • Prime Titan: Legion Prime
  • Prime Titan: Northstar Prime
  • Trial gameplay added for 2 SP levels
  • A shitton of new patches, camos, banners, etc. purchasable and free
  • Ticks should now appear on the player's minimap like a normal minion
  • 2 hot new eject lines
  • New options to randomly select an execution from those you've unlocked
  • Coin flip added for tie breaker after 3 ties in a match


All Titans

  • Titan Earn/Core meter percentage earned from damage dealt to other Titans decreased from 0.01% per damage to 0.0075% damage (decreased by 25%)
  • Electric Smoke maximum effective radius increased from 21.9 feet to 23.4 feet


  • Incendiary Trap, Firewall, and Flame Core flames no longer extinguished by Electric Smoke
  • Fuel for the Fire kit no longer extend Firewall duration, instead decreasing cooldown from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
  • Thermal Shield recharge/active time increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds
  • Inferno Shield kit now raises recharge/active time by 1.5x instead of 2.0x to retain its increase to 6 seconds of recharge/active time as it was pre-patch


  • Targeted Titans will now be notified of locked and firing tracker rockets
  • Sonar Pulse firing animation time decreased from 2.0 seconds to 1.5 seconds
  • Inactive delay after firing Tracker Rockets increased from 0.5 seconds to 0.7 seconds


  • Smart Core lock on time decreased from 0.5 seconds to 0.3 seconds

Dice Roll

  • Activation cost raised from 36% meter to 50%

Pilot Sentry

  • Damage scaling ranges decreased from 75-150 feet to 62.5-93.75 feet

Pilot Melee

  • Positional check added to prevent lunges locking onto pilots who move outside of the initiator's line of sight or way beyond reach
  • Lunges should no longer lock onto pilots who are in mid-air if the initiator is on the ground

Amped Wall

  • No longer invincible, with 1000 HP (for comparison, Hard Cover has 850 HP)

Holo Pilot

  • Plays an alert sound to the owner when destroyed
  • Displays owner HP bar and name when aimed at as if a regular player
  • Will randomly pulse on enemy maps every 0.5 seconds as if firing a weapon

Hemlok BF-R

  • Close range damage decreased from 35 to 33, far damage decreased from 30 to 25
  • Amped close range damage decreased from 50 to 45

X-55 Devotion

  • Close range damage decreased from 40 to 35, far damage decreased from 35 to 30


  • Quick Reload actually works now


  • Pass-through depth increased from 32 to 64; shots can go through Reapers now

Charge Rifle

  • Instead of firing instantly, Charge Hack will now reduce the charge time from the base 1.3 seconds to 0.429 seconds (33%) and the cooldown time between shots from 1.0 seconds to 0.66 seconds (66%)

LG-97 Thunderbolt

  • First zap delay increased from 0.3s to 0.4s; does not affect zaps after it's first hit something
  • Zap radius against Titans decreased from 50 feet to 25 feet
  • Damage per zap against Titans increased from 300 to 350
  • Flight speed decreased from 34 MPH to 21 MPH

Fixes and Other Changes:

  • Spectres have a new property that seems to prevent them from cowering like Grunts
  • For whatever reason, some grappling hook related properties were removed from the base Titan datablock
  • Pilot levels now display during killcams
  • Improvements made to audio when spectatin and rapidly swapping between viewpoints/perspectives
  • Grappling hooks should not longer be caught in Vortex Shields

Future Content:

(note: details are somewhat speculatory based on sparse amounts of game code and text bank tokens)

  • New Titan: Monarch
    • "Mid-range Vanguard-class Titan that can upgrade itself on the battlefield."
    • Likely exclusive to Frontier Defense, god help us all if she isn't
    • Primary Weapon: XO-16 Chaingun. "20mm armor piercing automatic rifle." You know what it is
    • Offensive: Rocket Salvo. "Launches an unguided rocket swarm."
    • Defensive: Energy Siphon (internally, Stun Laser). "Slows enemies and generates Shields. Heavily armored targets generate more Shield." Seems to be a laser shot with these effects
    • Utility: Rearm. "Refreshes the cooldown of your Dash, Ordnance, and Defensive Ability."
    • Core: Upgrade Core. "Recharges your Titan's shields and upgrades your Titan in order of the upgrades above." Each upgrade level has 3 selectable kits that you may choose 1 of to apply when the Core is activated.
      • Level 1
        • Arc Rounds - Increases ammo capacity and XO-16 rounds break through Defensive Abilities.
          • Increases magazine capacity from 30 to 40 and seems to go through all shields
        • Missile Racks - Rocket Salvo fires twice the amount of missiles.
          • As found earlier, 12 rockets per salvo instead of 6
        • Energy Field - Energy Siphon affects a large area around the point of impact.
          • As found earlier, Energy Siphon's explosion radius increases from 3 feet to 25 feet
      • Level 2
        • Swift Rearm - Rearm is almost instantaneous.
          • As found earlier, 0.1 second activation time instead of 0.5 seconds
        • Maelstrom - Electric Smoke is intensified, dealing more damage to Titans and Pilots.
          • As found earlier, increases Electric Smoke DPS against Pilots from 45 to 90 and DPS against Titans from 450 to 1350
        • Energy Transfer - Energy Siphon gives Shield to friendly Titans.
      • Level 3
        • Multi-Target Missiles - Rocket Salvo can lock onto Titans and Reapers. Missiles fly faster and deal more damage.
          • Apparently not yet implemented, I presume they are working on getting the MTMS to not lock onto human sized targets
        • Superior Chassis - Upgrades Monarch's health, dash, and melee capabilities.
          • Not yet implemented, and no numbers to be found yet.
        • XO-16 Battle Rifle - Unlocks the hidden power of the XO-16, increasing precision, damage, and critical damage.
          • Not yet implemented, and no numbers to be found yet.
    • Unique Titan Kits:
      • Data Siphon - Core Meter is earned 25% faster.
      • Shield Amplifier - Increases your Titan's max shield strength by 50%
        • This would mean a shield with 3750 HP rather than 2500.
      • Rapid Rearm - Reduces the cooldown of Rearm by 5 seconds.
      • Survival of the Fittest - Batteries can repair the Monarch out of Doomed State.
      • Apex Titan - Enables a fourth and final upgrade.
        • Apparently not yet implemented, with no fourth upgrade to be found just yet
      • No apparent fifth kit yet
    • There's even a Prime model in the item database
    • There are separate voice entries for "Vanguard" and "BT", I'd bet that BT will be the Prime voice
  • Coop Bounty Hunt development continues, having now been fully rebranded internally as Frontier Defense, with some new NPC classes added for the mode:
    • No clear indications yet what Elite Guards are; my bet's on Shield Captains, but for now it's only clear that they have a new model
    • Specialists seems to be using the Phase Shift pilot model, spawn with L-STARs and ticks as an ordnance
    • Mortar Titans and Nuke Titans seem to be returning, using Tone and Scorch as their bases respectively
    • There's also a "Sandbox" NPC class that is likely an AI test dummy, with a Sandbox PVE mode also added for devs
    • Harvester will be the defense objective once more, with entities added for it
    • Seems to use a MOBA-style internal leveling system, with players choosing a "path" of tactical and following upgrades to their tactical. The tacticals themselves are Phase Shift, Grapple, and... Sword Block?
      • Path 1 - The Ghost
        • Level 1 - The Ghost
          • Enter and Exit Phase Shift at Will
        • Level 2 - The Wisp
          • Fast Travel in Phase Shift
            • More specifically, you seem to be permanently stimmed when inside the Phase realm
        • Level 3 - The Banshee
          • Destructive Exits from Phase Shift
            • Explosions when you exit phase, with an impressive radius of 30 feet
      • Path 2 - The Hook
        • Level 1 - The Hook
          • Unlimited Grapple
        • Level 2 - The Acrobat
          • Long-Distance Grapple
            • Dramatically increases maximum line distance from 68 feet to 187 feet
        • Level 3 - The Devastator
          • Assault Grapple
          • As found earlier, the hook explodes when making contact with surfaces
      • Path 3 - The Blade
        • Level 1 - The Blade
          • Hold to Block, Powerful Melee
            • Gives you a Pilot Sword for your melee, and Sword Block as your tactical. Not 100% clear on how its damage mitigation works yet
        • Level 2 - The Assassin
          • Strike from Far Away
            • As found earlier, drastically increases melee lunge distance from the base 8 feet to 48 feet
        • Level 3 - The Machine Hunter
          • Effective Against Titans
            • As found earlier, the sword's power increases and become capable of damage to Titans for 1000 damage per swing
      • Path 4 - The Wall
        • No details currently available, but it doesn't take datamining to guess that this will be the Amped Wall's tactical path
      • Path 5 - The Hound
        • No details currently available, but I'm willing to bet this path will belong to the Pulse Blade
      • Path 6 - The Jester
        • No details currently available, but this should be the Holo Pilot guessing from the name
  • Previously leaked modes have had code moved into their own files from the global MP properties file, development moving along
  • Communications and emoticons are likely to come very soon, with an announcement text already being the in textbanks (https://my.mixtape.moe/rwrqqi.png) to be rolled out at any time
    • Seems it'll be a simple quick chat menu to point out objectives, commend teammates, and send emoji? No clue if it'll be voiced or anything
  • Some support added for the minimap to be zoomed in or out by the player, surprised this isn't already implemented
  • Seems like it'll be possible to invite friends to a network from within the game rather than having to mess with the official website

↵ Top

23 February 2017 - The Live Fire Patch

(includes server-sided changes made on 23 January, does not include server-sided changes made post-patch such as the Hemlok nerf)

Content and Feature Additions:

  • New Live Fire mode added, accompanied by 2 maps for the mode, Meadow and Stacks
  • New Collisseum map added
  • New Custom Mixtape matchmaking system rolled out
  • Unique player movement behavior added to collisseum playertypes
  • Added Pilot Kills stat to match scoreboards for Attrition and Bounty Hunt
  • Improved icons and banners for each mode
  • Lowered unlock requirements of select items that were beyond 10.49 to be obtainable now
  • Added and enabled nose arts for Prime Titan chassis
  • Added Bullseye camo for all Pilot items
  • Added 20 new patches and 64 new banners (not all seem to be currently available)
  • Added new Stim execution, Late Hit
  • Game will now attempt to carry over any loadout items and attachments that are possible when items are replaced during regeneration or loadout customization
  • Improved Network Administration controls
  • Added Film Grain slider
  • Added Party Members Color toggle
  • Added Chat Messages toggle; will only disable chat pop-up, can still be viewed by opening the chat window to send a message
  • Clarified texture quality options
  • Full button remapping for controllers added
  • "Hold Use to Rodeo" option added
  • 2 new rare ejection lines



  • Dash recharge rate raised from 8.33/s to 10/s (Recharge: from 6.0s to 5.0s per charge)
  • Turbo Engine dash recharge rate raised from 4.165/s to 6.6/s (Recharge: from 7.9s to 5.0s per charge)
  • Flight Core
    • Ideal explosive radius increased from 5 ft to 9.4 ft, eliminating explosive falloff


  • Dash recharge rate raised from 8.33/s to 10/s (Recharge: from 6.0s to 5.0s per charge)
  • Turbo Engine dash recharge rate raised from 4.165/s to 6.6/s (Recharge: from 7.9s to 5.0s per charge)


  • T-203 Thermite Launcher
    • Aiming the weapon now shows an indicator of the flight path's arc


  • Vortex Shield
    • Explosive damage from refired hitscan shots completely removed (was 600)


  • 40mm Cannon
    • Bolt hitsize decreased from 4.0 to 3.5
    • Impact damage to heavy armor rebalanced from 350-300 to a flat 300
  • Burst Loader
    • Cooldown between bursts recharging removed (was 0.5s)
  • Salvo Core
    • Impact and explosive damage to heavy armor decreased from 180 to 140
    • Ideal explosive radius increased from 5 ft to 9.4 ft, eliminating explosive falloff

Pulse Blade

  • Recharge rate lowered from 14/s to 12/s (Recharge: from 14.3s to 16.7s)

Hard Cover & Amped Wall

  • Can no longer be destroyed by smart ammunition

V-47 Flatline

  • Damage increased from 35-25-15 to 35-30-20
  • Amped damage decreased from 50-35-30 to 50-35-25


  • Damage decreased from 32-22-17 to 23-18-14
  • Amped damage decreased from 35-35-30 to 25-25-20


  • Damage increased from 20-15-10 to 23-18-16
  • Amped damage increased from 25-25-20 to 33-33-24

Spitfire LMG

  • Damage increased from 25-18 to 35-25-18
  • Amped damage increased from 35-25 to 45-35-25
  • Very far damage scaling added at 125 feet


  • Damage increased from 20-15 to 25-18
  • Amped damage increased from 25-25 to 35-25

X-55 Devotion

  • Very far damage scaling added: used to be 40-35, is now 40-35-25
  • Damage scaling distances rebalanced: used to to be 125 ft - 112.5 ft, is now 137.5 ft - 112.5 ft - 93.75 ft
  • Base ADS spread raised from 0 globally to 0.4 standing, 0.2 crouching, and 0.5 in midair
  • First shot recoil raised from 0 to 0.5
  • Maximum recoil in ADS raised from 0.25 to 0.5

D-2 Double Take

  • Damage increased from 25 to 30 per bullet (Total: from 75 to 90)
  • Amped damage decreased from 50 to 35 per bullet (Total: from 150 to 105)

EVA-8 Shotgun

  • Spread globally decreased from 7.0 to 6.0

Sidewinder SMR

  • Launch speed increased from 119.1 MPH to 140.4 MPH


  • Bolt speed increased from 63.8 MPH to 85.1 MPH
  • Explosive damage to humans increased from 75 to 90
  • Impact damage to heavy armor increased from 500 to 700
  • Explosive damage to heavy armor decreased from 1300 to 700
  • Amped impact damage to heavy armor increased from 700 to 900
  • Amped explosive damage to heavy armor decreased from 1800 to 900

MGL Mag Launcher

  • Launch speed decreased from 76.6 MPH to 51.1 MPH
  • Fuse time increased from 0.8s to 1.2s
  • Effective range unnaffected, remaining at 89.9 ft with some difference of an inch or whatever

LG-97 Thunderbolt

  • Impact damage to humans increased from 50 to 70
  • Amped impact damage to humans increased from 75 to 90
  • Impact damage to heavy armor increased from 850 to 1000


  • Launch speed decreased from 102.1 MPH to 76.6 MPH
  • Top speed decreased from 119.1 MPH to 85.1 MPH
  • Amped top speed decreased from 85.1 MPH to 68.1 MPH
  • Turning speed decreased from 51.1 MPH to 12.8 MPH

Gravity Star

  • Impact damage raised from 35 to 75

Anti-Pilot Sentry Gun

  • HP lowered from 850 to 600
  • Damaage lowered from flat 25 to 25-10
  • Damage scaling added, ranging between 150 ft to 133.3 ft

Fixes and Other Changes:

  • Angel City has a banner now
  • Fixed occasionally getting stuck in eject animation
  • Fixed grenade indicator not showing up when it should
  • Fixed recycled SP sounds for dropships being way too loud in MP
  • Fixed suicide bombing not killing the user in Collisseum
  • Some improvements attempted to Phase Shift's reliability when dodging incoming fire
  • Holopilot is generally more resilient now
  • Laser Core's visual effect in first person is more accurate now
  • Hardcover and Amped Wall can now be thrown (and wasted) while Phased
  • "Thermite Attached" notification no longer shown when friendly Thermite is attached
  • Fixed R-201 missing the "dismemberment" damage tag for Stalkers
  • Many many many typo corrections and clarifications in various game texts.

Future Content:

(note: details are somewhat speculatory based on sparse amounts of game code and text bank tokens)

Gamemode: Hunted

  • "Secure the Asset. Escape the Hunter."
  • 4 on 4, 1 flag CTF?
  • 1 team defending, another attacking
  • Various objectives serving as "the asset", with black box to be extracted
  • Prowlers and Shield Captain enemies returning from SP to help defense
  • Includes weapon lockers for resupply
  • No Titans, no Boosts

Gamemode: RAID

  • "Plant a bomb at the enemy hardpoint. Protect yours from the same."
  • Titanfall: Global Offensive

Gamemode: Double or Nothing

  • "Kill both members of the enemy team."
  • 2 on 2 elimination
  • Includes a unique bleedout mechanic to allow teammates to revive one another.

Gamemode: Co-op Bounty Hunt

  • "Kill all enemy waves."
  • Frontier Defense without a defense objective?
  • Seems like it'll be about as harsh with enemy waves, includes resupply lockers and deployable unlocks; maybe the Engineer class equipment will finally get used?
  • Confusingly, there is data such as "money earned for a player Pilot/Titan Kill"

Gamemode: Marked for Death

  • "Kill the marked Pilot."
  • Titanfall 1 returnee
  • Has been sitting alongside the older mode notes for a while as a leftover from R1, but some new mode objective and score event text was added with this patch, so I think we can safely surmise that it is planned to be rereleased in R2

Weapon: R-101x Carbine

  • "Factory issue scoped predecessor of the R-201 rifle."
  • Exact same performance as R-201 but with the Titanfall 1 model (probably)
  • Comes with an AOG in place of iron sights
  • Entertainingly, is missing the dismemberment tag that the R-201 just had added, hopefully that's fixed before the weapon is pushed to release

Map: Relic

  • "Parts salvaged from this old IMC shipwreck are sent into the valley below for further processing."
  • Titanfall 1 returnee

Map: Colony

  • "IMC and Militia forces clash in the close-quarters of an uncharted rural colony."
  • Titanfall 1 returnee

Map: Township

Map: Traffic

Map: UMA

Map: Deck


Execution: Curb Check

  • "Curb check with style using your grapple."
  • Grapple rope execution, confirming the tactical-inspired execution agenda
  • Seems to involve head stabbing??

Feature: Communication

  • Some recent commented out code suggests that there is a communication wheel and unlockable emotes coming soon, or at least in development

Tactical: Super Phase Shift

  • I have no idea. Probably a dev tool, but seems to just be Phase Shift with a duration of 999999

Prime Titan: Northstar

  • Execution will involve probably Flight Core, using dummy versions of the Tone's tracker rockets

Prime Titan: Legion

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29 November 2016 - The Angel City Patch

(includes server-sided changes made on 4 November)

Content and Feature Additions:

  • Added Ion and Scorch Prime Titans; lots of backend work for future Prime Titans
  • Added new passives for all Titans (Phase Reflex, Threat Optics, Scorched Earth, Hidden Compartment, Burst Loader, Refraction Lens)
  • Added Angel City map
  • Added new excution, Inner Pieces
  • Added Wingman Elite, new Pilot secondary
  • Added minibuy system for additional Pilot and Titan customization
  • Added player FAQ to introduce game concepts and news
  • Separate playertypes for collisseum Pilots
  • Silent groundwork for future Prime Titans every other patch
  • Added advanced controller options for thumbstick control
  • Added 2D/3D damage indicator options to advanced HUD settings menu
  • Added client stats menu
  • Top 3 players now shown alongside match ending scoreboard
  • More Rare ejection lines
  • Flag in CTF silently returns itself after 20 seconds
  • Resorted multiplayer playlists
  • Backend work for Trial edition


Bounty Hunt:

  • Changed some quantities of enemies during waves
  • Boss Titans are now worth $500 instead of $400
  • Spectres are now worth $15 instead of $20
  • Stalkers are now worth $20 instead of $25
  • AIs can now steal bonuses when killing players


  • Viper Thrusters
    • Now also affect Hover speed, from 8.5 MPH base to 12.8 MPH
  • Flight Core
    • Duration time decreased from 8 seconds to 6 seconds
    • Impact and explosion damage to heavy armor and humans increased from 250 to 300 per missile


  • Reinforced Armor
    • 50% damage reduction improved to 80% damage reduction


  • Refraction Lens
    • Consumes 15% more energy when splitting shots


  • Predator Cannon
    • Damage to heavy armor decreased from 110-80 to 100-72


  • Tracker Locks are no longer shown through walls
  • Phase Dash/Reflex will now dispel Tracker Locks
  • Salvo Core
    • Impact and explosion damage to heavy armor decreased from 200 to 180 per missile

X-55 Devotion:

  • Damage to heavy armor decreased from 100-80 to 80-60
  • Amped damage to heavy armor decreased from 250-230 to 180-160

Spitfire LMG:

  • Damage to heavy armor decreased from 110-90 to 80-60
  • Amped damage to heavy armor decreased from 260-240 to 180-160


  • Amped damage to heavy armor decreased from 235-215 to 185-165

RE-45 Autopistol:

  • Suppressed damage decreased from 20-15-9 to 17-12-9
  • Amped Weapons now adds to the damage rather than forcing a value, from 30-30-20 to +5 - +2 - +2 against humans, and 160-130 to +100 - +100 against heavy armor, allowing compatibility with suppressors

Hammond P2016:

  • Amped damage from 50-35 to +5 - +5 against humans, and 200-170 to +100 - +100 against heavy armor

SA-3 Mozambique:

  • Suppressed damage decreased from 20-15 to 17-13 per bullet
  • Amped damage from 35-35 to +5 - +10 against humans, and 50-40 to +30 - +30 against heavy armor

B3 Wingman

  • Amped damage from 100-50-35 to +45 - +5 - +5 against humans, and 350-300 to +100 - +100 against heavy armor

Fixes and Other Changes:

  • Fixed incorrect impact sounds for Grappling Hook catching on client from another player
  • Fixed incorrect sounds for melee between two non-client players
  • Checks and rewards for any unawarded Faction-related Advocate Gifts
  • Chat HUD will no longer waste time loading on non-PC platforms
  • Minimap remains active after death
  • Fixed Spectator issues when trying to view the Round Winning Killcam
  • Optimized ammo tracking when using an off-hand weapon in a Titan
  • Bonus and Banked money during Bounty Hunt displays more clearly
  • Fixed Grand Theft Semiauto execution not playing correctly during Single-Player mission Trial By Fire
  • Futureproofing for gamemodes that may modify a Pilot's maximum HP
  • Assists will not give any XP now
  • Unknown players in a Network Invite queue will now display as the smiley face callsign rather than the question mark
  • Sonar effects will no longer parent themselves to another player if the owner disconnects while a shot is active

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