processing-ar icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
processing-ar copied to clipboard

🔮 ARCore Renderer for Processing-Android


AR library for Processing-Android

Android ARCore In Progress
This library includes ARCore renderer to create AR apps using Processing.

:tada: This AR Renderer is now a part of Processing Android Core :tada:
:tada: You can follow this tutorial to use this Library. :tada:

Steps to build:

  • Make sure you have both Processing and Processing-Android built before you proceed.
  • For Building Processing-Android refer Wiki.
  • Once built, clone processing-ar into the Libraries Directory right next to vr Directory.
    NOTE: Rename the cloned directory as ar and the name of the module to be processing-ar.
  • Make sure to import processing-ar as a module in your IDE.
  • Build it using the ant command through terminal and on Successful build, you'll see ar.jar file appear under libraries/ar/library.
  • Once built, hit Run. You'll see AR appear under Sketch -> Import Library... -> AR.
  • On clicking it, you'll get an import to the AR Library as import*;.



:warning: Depricated :warning: - This repo uses ANT built system which is now replaced with Gradle and merged with the main repo. Clone and build the Android Core which contains this Renderer.