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Custom Centernet for face detection and other detection tasks

Custom Centernet for face detection and other object detection tasks.

In this repo, you can training object detection tasks with many other backbones not only the backbones in this repo. Refered linknet(For segmentation), I desigined the linknet backend model for object detection. Since I am used to use the voc format dataset(the data is always marked by LabelImg), the voc format dataset has been provided. Anyway, you could also use the centernet original coco format to train the model. For application, I have provided the python shell to convert the *.pth to onnx.

Requirements for this repo

  • python>=3.6
  • Pytorch>=1.1
  • cocoapi
  • opencv-python
  • Cython
  • numba
  • progress
  • matplotlib
  • easydict
  • scipy

Anaconda 3 is recommended


Wilderface Data Prepare

Refered to the Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB , Generate the voc format wilderface dataset and copy it to the ./data And you can use it to train or generate the json format annotations for coco format

Training wilderface with centerface's structure(relu) without keypoints

in the ./src/ : from opts_voc import opts or from opts_coco import opts cd ./src/, python

Training wilderface with centerface's structure(relu) with keypoints

  • (1) heatmap way just like the original CenterNet's person keypoints If you want to train the model with keypoints , you need to generate two json format annotations for coco format in the data/wilderface/ as follows:wildertrain.json and wilderval.json by the and in the ./data dir . in the ./src/ : from opts_hplm import opts cd ./src/, python

  • (2) Just directly regress keypoints by coordinates Actually,the Centerface's keypoints regression in the ./src/ : from opts_reglm import opts cd ./src/, python

Inference demo

In the root_dir/src/ , import relative opts(eg. from opts_voc import opts ) python --demo [img|video|webcam] --load_model [model_path,../models/model_best.pth] (just like the original centernet)

Wilderface AP (easy ,medium and hard)

root_dir/wilderface_eval_space Python Evaluation Code for Wider Face Dataset refered to Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB

  • run import relative opts(eg. from opts_voc import opts ) in the python

  • before evaluating python build_ext --inplace

  • evaluating GroungTruth: wider_face_val.mat, wider_easy_val.mat, wider_medium_val.mat,wider_hard_val.mat python -p -g

  • the pretrained model's ap on the wilderface (face confidence>0.4 iouthreshold=0.4)

resolution Easy Set Medium Set Hard Set
640x640 0.872 0.839 0.655
800x800 0.855 0.836 0.715

Convert model to onnx

import relative opts(eg. from opts_voc import opts ) in the in the ,--load_model (your trained model) root_dir/src/ python , and the onnx model is in the onnxmodel dir

For tensorRT's inference C++, you can refer to TensorRT-CenterNet


  • [x] Some Efficient pretrained models and mAP report in the wilderface
  • [ ] Application demos by convert the onnx to other formats (mnn,ncnn,caffe for HUAWEI' nnie and npu)
