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SwolfPy is a free, multi-platform, Python-based, open-source, SWM LCA optimization framework with built-in parametric and Monte Carlo sensitivity and uncertainty analysis capabilities.

.. General

================================================================ Solid Waste Optimization Life-cycle Framework in Python(SwolfPy)

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  • Website: https://swolfpy-project.github.io
  • Documentation: https://swolfpy.readthedocs.io
  • Repository: https://github.com/SwolfPy-Project/swolfpy


  • Life-cycle assessment of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) systems

    • Comparative LCA
    • Contribution analysis
    • LCI report
  • Monte Carlo simulation

    • Uncertainty analysis
    • Data visualization (distributions & correlations)
  • Optimization

    • Minimize environmental burdens or cost subject to a number of technical or policy-related constraints

.. list-table:: Life-cycle process models :widths: auto :header-rows: 1

    • Process model
    • Description
    • 1
    • Landfill (LF)
    • Calculates emissions, material use, and energy use associated with construction, operations, closure and post-closure activities, landfill gas and leachate management, and carbon storage.
    • 2
    • Waste-to-Energy (WTE)
    • Calculates emissions, mass flows, and resource use and recovery for the mass burn WTE process.
    • 3
    • Gasification & Syngas Combustion (GC)
    • Calculates emissions, mass flows, and resource use and recovery for the GC process (Produced syngas from gasification is combusted to produce electricity by steam turbine).
    • 4
    • Composting (Comp)
    • Calculates emissions, mass flows, and resource use and recovery for aerobic composting process and final use of compost.
    • 5
    • Home Composting (HC)
    • Calculates emissions, mass flows, and resource use and recovery for home composting process and final use of compost.
    • 6
    • Anaerobic Digestion (AD)
    • Calculates emissions, mass flows, and resource use and recovery for anaerobic digestion process and final use of compost.
    • 7
    • Single-Stream Material Recovery facility (SS_MRF)
    • Calculates cost, emissions, and energy use associated with material recovery facilities.
    • 8
    • Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF)
    • Calculates cost, emissions, and energy use associated with RDF production facilities.
    • 9
    • Reprocessing (Reproc)
    • Calculates emissions, mass flows, and resource use and recovery associated with recycling materials.
    • 10
    • Transfer Station (TS)
    • Calculates cost, emissions, and energy use associated with Transfer Stations.
    • 11
    • Single Family Collection (SF_Col)
    • Calculates cost, emissions, and fossil fuel use associated with MSW collection from single family sector.
    • 12
    • Multi Family Collection (MF_Col)
    • Calculates cost, emissions, and fossil fuel use associated with MSW collection from multi-family sector.
    • 13
    • Commercial Collection (COM_Col)
    • Calculates cost, emissions, and fossil fuel use associated with MSW collection from commercial sector.
    • 14
    • Animal Feed (AnF)
    • Calculates cost, emissions, and energy use associated with conversion of food waste to animal feed and final use of produced feed.

.. Installation


1- Download and install miniconda from: https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html

2- Update conda in a terminal window or anaconda prompt::

    conda update conda

3- Create a new environment for swolfpy::

    conda create --name swolfpy python=3.9 graphviz

4- Add Graphviz executables to your system PATH (This step is optional; Enables plotting SWM network). You can find Graphviz executables in \\miniconda3\\envs\\swolfpy\\Library\\bin\\graphviz folder or search for dot.exe file in your system. Add the directory to the Path variable in your environment variables.

5- Activate the environment::

    conda activate swolfpy

6- Install swolfpy in the environment::

    pip install swolfpy

7- Open python to run swolfpy::


8- Run swolfpy

- In terminal::

      # or
      python -m swolfpy

- In python::

      import swolfpy as sp

.. endInstallation