remark-code-screenshot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
remark-code-screenshot copied to clipboard

ERROR ReferenceError: btoa is not defined

Open robertsmieja opened this issue 5 years ago • 3 comments

I'm using this plugin with mdx.js - and next.js -

The project is located at -

Steps the reproduce:

  1. Uncomment the remark-code-screenshot plugin in next.config.js
  2. npm run dev

This is the code that seems be causing the issue:

var getCodeScreenshot = function () {
    var _ref = _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/_regenerator2.default.mark(function _callee(src) {
        var codeType, srcArg, res;
        return _regenerator2.default.wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
            while (1) {
                switch (_context.prev = {
                    case 0:
                        codeType = "javascript", srcArg = btoa(src);
               = 3;
                        return fetch("" + srcArg + "&codeType=" + codeType);

                    case 3:
                        res = _context.sent;
                        return _context.abrupt("return", res.text());

                    case 5:
                    case "end":
                        return _context.stop();
        }, _callee, this);

    return function getCodeScreenshot(_x) {
        return _ref.apply(this, arguments);

OS: Windows 10 64-bit Node.js: v12.16.0 npm: 6.13.4

robertsmieja avatar Feb 18 '20 07:02 robertsmieja