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SwitHak' Security Place for my Opinions and Work


Who am i ?

Hello, I am a french #security professionnal interested in #cybersecurity issues and other content related to the previous theme! Spoken languages: EN, FR

My motto

No system is truly secure, if the attacker has time and ressources, he can compromises your information system!


You can find me on Twitter: @SwitHak

My Work

  • ...

  • Сайтэк (SyTech) leak analysis [EN] Link to view

  • 5G, new telecommunications standards, Between opportunities and Risks - Jeunes IHEDN [EN] Format PDF

  • CVE-2019-0708 aka BlueKeep Blueteam cheatsheet[EN] Link to view

  • Curated list of LockerGoga IOCs populated from OSINT sources [EN] CSV;Separator:Comma

  • Translation of "Public elements of French military doctrine of offensive computer warfare" [FR -> EN] Format PDF

  • Investigations against Russian Interference in US Presidential Elections: Mueller Indictment Mapping GRU Units 74455 & 26165 [EN] Link to view

  • Threat Activity Analysis: The Shadow Brokers Study

  • Thread Twitter: Translation of "The future of LPM (French Military Planning Act ) for the next 6 years (2019-2025) - {Cyberdefense Part only}" [FR -> EN] Link to view

  • Speaker: Entre fuites, attaques, et mauvaises pratiques, I WannaCry! - MIN2RIEN [FR] Link

  • Picture: The Shadow Brokers Activity History summarized in 1 (BIG) picture [EN] Link to view

  • Article: WannaCry, mais où sont donc partis les Bitcoins? [FR] Link to view Format PDF

  • Article: NOTPETYA-NYETYA-ETERNALPETYA-DISKCODER.C-PETRWRAP-Entre rançongiciel, attaque et malversations [FR] Link to view Format PDF

  • Traduction: Slides de la présentation de Kaspersky et de Comae Technologies sur le logiciel malveillant NotPetya [EN -> FR] Link to view (Specials thanks to Comae.io founder, Matt Suiche)

  • Commentaires sur les règles du Manuel de Talinn 2.0 [FR] Link to view

  • Traduction: Loi Cybersécurité Chinoise [EN -> FR] Link to view

  • Article: WannaCry ou l’histoire d’un ver surmédiatisé [FR] Link to view Format PDF

  • RETEX de la conférence : «Construire la paix et la sécurité internationales de la société numérique» (#SecNumConf) [FR] Link to view Format PDF

  • RETEX de la conférence Journée Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information 2017 [FR] Link to view

  • RETEX Forum International de la Cybersécurité - FIC 2017 [FR] Link to view

  • Article: L'astroturfing, ou comment truquer des élections grâce aux réseaux sociaux [FR] (co-author) Link to view

  • Article: Retour sur la fuite des outils de The EquationGroup (NSA) par Shadow Brokers [FR] (co-author) Link to view

  • eBook: Introduction à Shodan.io [FR] Link to download