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A JSON-LD Serialization Libary for Python

Results 14 calamus issues
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Currently when serializing with `fields.Nested`, we always serialize the whole object and add `@type` information. In some cases, we want to instead serialize an @id reference instead of the whole...

Add an oxigraph backend (similar to the caylee WIP)

This adds simple support for retrieving missing data from a neo4j instance. Given this setup: ```python class Author: def __init__(self, _id, name, organization): self._id = _id = name class...

Since values to serialize/deserialize can come in many shapes and forms, we should use [hypothesis]( for testing to make the tests more robust.

The README is getting quite long at the moment and it'd be nice to add more in-depth docs and also a boiled-down quickstart in different pages, to make them more...

Instead of saving a flat list as a .json or .yaml file, it'd be nice to have a local db (key-value-sture) that saves objects by IRI. this could be done...

needs design

say i have the following schema: ``` class A(JsonLDSchema): _id = fields.BlankNodeId() class B(JsonLDSchema): _id = fields.BlankNodeId() value = fields.Nested(ML_SCHEMA.specifiedBy, A(only=("_id",))) ``` basically i only want to reference the A...

It'd be cool if we could point at a sparql endpoint with some query and have the library query the endpoint and deserialize directly.

needs design

Schemas change over time, so we need some way to deal with schema versions and to migrate to newer versions (and maybe even downgrade to older versions).

needs design

Right now you need to specify a schema to deserialize jsonld. Ideally, we could just throw jsonld at the library and it'd figure out which schema applies by itself by...