cubiql copied to clipboard
No implementation of method: :transform-result of protocol: #'graphql-qb.schema/ResultTransform found for class: graphql_qb.types.EnumType
Data converted following the instructions at is producing an "Internal server error: exception" when retrieving the observations with the query :
{cubiql{ dataset_iwavebnetworkzerocrossing{ observations{ page(first: 2000){ observation{ station_id latitude havg } } } } }}
Find attached the CSVs and ttl files resulting from the conversion
In the logs file the error is:
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException in Interceptor :com.walmartlabs.lacinia.pedestal/query-executor - No implementation of method: :transform-result of protocol: #'graphql-qb.schema/ResultTransform found for class: graphql_qb.types.EnumType at clojure.core$ex_info.invokeStatic(core.clj:4739) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at clojure.core$ex_info.invoke(core.clj:4739) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$throwable__GT_ex_info.invokeStatic(chain.clj:35) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$throwable__GT_ex_info.invoke(chain.clj:32) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$try_f.invokeStatic(chain.clj:57) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$try_f.invoke(chain.clj:44) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$process_all_with_binding.invokeStatic(chain.clj:171) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$process_all_with_binding.invoke(chain.clj:146) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$process_all$fn__15853.invoke(chain.clj:188) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper( ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at clojure.lang.AFn.applyTo( ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at clojure.core$apply.invokeStatic(core.clj:657) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_.invokeStatic(core.clj:1965) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at clojure.core$with_bindings_STAR_.doInvoke(core.clj:1965) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke( ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$process_all.invokeStatic(chain.clj:186) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$process_all.invoke(chain.clj:182) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$enter_all.invokeStatic(chain.clj:235) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$enter_all.invoke(chain.clj:229) ~[graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$execute.invokeStatic(chain.clj:379) [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$execute.invoke(chain.clj:352) [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$execute.invokeStatic(chain.clj:389) [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.interceptor.chain$execute.invoke(chain.clj:352) [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.http.impl.servlet_interceptor$interceptor_service_fn$fn__19447.invoke(servlet_interceptor.clj:350) [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at io.pedestal.http.servlet.FnServlet.service(servlet.clj:28) [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextHandle( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doHandle( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doScope( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.nextScope( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler.doScope( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ScopedHandler.handle( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.handle( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.handle( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.handle( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.onFillable( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at$ReadCallback.succeeded( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at$ [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob( [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at org.eclipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool$ [graphql-qb-0.4.0-standalone.jar:?] at [?:1.8.0_181] Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No implementation of method: :transform-result of protocol: #'graphql-qb.schema/ResultTransform found for class: graphql_qb.types.EnumType
@agustingp there are some inconsistencies between the URIs used at the cube and the URIs used at the codelists:
(see the _) -
(stationid -> station_id) -
@agustingp - I pushed a fix for that issue earlier today, can you try the latest version on master
to see if that works for you?
@zeginis These missing "_" were just an attempt to see if that was the error (In the documentation there is this example:{station_id}) @lkitching I run the last update of the API and it works now as expected. Thanks a million
@agustingp if there is no matching between the cube and the codelist the API will work, but when quering the observations you will get the URI of the values instead of the enum.
e.g. at the data you have at the SPARQL endpoint, the time value URIs do not exist at the codelist
} } }}}}
"observation": [
{ "station_id": "BELMULLET_WAVE_BUOY_BERTH_B",
"time": ""
@zeginis regarding your last comment I realized that what you say is happening, but the values are matching. For instance,
Cube <> .
Codelist <> rdfs:label "Howth Harbour" .
Querying the API:
{ "data": { "cubiql": { "dataset_irishnationaltidegaugenetwork": { "observations": { "page": { "observation": [ { "uri": "", "altitude": "A_0", "station_id": "HOWTH_HARBOUR", "water_level_lat": "", "water_level_od_malin": "", "datasourceid": "A_10" },
@agustingp the problem occurs only when there is not matching. e.g. at the time dimension. The station_id is ok.
@zeginis Oh I got it. Thanks!
@zeginis I modified our script for creating the codelists based on the input file to only slugize the values of the dimensions that have "slugize" as "value_transformation" value. Now time is being retrieved (not the URI) but I still see that the values are being modified:
"observation": [ { "altitude": "A_0", "time": "A_2010_01_01T00_00_00Z", "station_id": "HOWTH_HARBOUR" },
whereas in the Cube definition the values are defined as:
<> .
The same with Latitude and Longitude dimensions
@lkitching any idea if this can be fixed somehow?
label: 2010-01-01T05:42:00Z
enum: A_2010_01_01T00_00_00Z
@zeginis @agustingp - At the moment, dimensions with an associated codelist are mapped to a GraphQL enum type. GraphQL enum values must begin with a letter or _
(see the definition in the specification). At the moment, we prefix A_
to enum values that start with an invalid starting character to make the name valid, we could change this to just use an _
Are you using the codelist values to filter the results? Currently we create an enum type for all dimensions with a codelist but we could change this to look at the rdfs:range
first and only generate enum types for certain types. This would allow you to set the rdfs:range
to a type which is mapped to a string instead.
@lkitching what is there the reason for disallowing numbers at the beginning? Is it possible to have a workaround? There are a lot of cases where the dimension value will start with a number (including the ones mentioned by @agustingp):
<> <> "6 or more" .
<> <> "3" .
@arekstasiewicz - This is a restriction GraphQL puts on enum values that they must begin with either a letter or underscore. If you query the dimensions
for the dataset you can retrieve the label for each enum value and perform the mapping yourself. We could change the way enum types are output in the schema so you can select the mapped value along with the associated label, this would mean your queries for those dimensions would need to change from
observation {
observation {
enum_dimension {
this approach might be a little confusing since it would ignore the lang_preference
set for the query.