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Document CubiQL deployment requirements
Document the virtuoso version compatible with CubiQL. Some Virtuoso versions seem to have a problem with ASK queries:
@lkitching at the above issue they suggest as a work arround to include Accept:
request headers,
curl -v -H "Accept: application/sparql-results+xml" --data-urlencode 'query=ask {}'
Can this be applied to CubiQL?
Fixing #134 will make CubiQL compatible with all Virtuoso versions including the latest one
@arekstasiewicz issue #134 has been fixed and now CubiQL does not use SPARQL ASK queries. So now CubiQL should also work with all Virtuoso versions. I have tested with Version: 07.20.3217 and workw fine. Can you also test and see if everything is working properly?