Niels Swimberghe

Results 36 issues of Niels Swimberghe

When a value is `null`, the `JsonViewer` renders it as NULL instead of null. It's pedantic, but NULL isn't valid and inconsistent with the actual value, so I think it...

## Please summarize your question in one sentence When using the list template, some pagination HTML is printed even when there isn't any pages available. We need some way to...

When setting up a blog, both Blog Overview and Blog Post Details pages share the same DNN page. For SEO purposes, we need to add certain meta data tags to...

waiting for reply

## Describe the bug When importing a BlogML file (exported from this module on a different site), the categories are not imported. ## Software Versions - DNN: 09.02.00 (366) -...


When using Glass we used the `Src` property to set a background image via inline CSS. Recently we noticed that the width, height, maxwidth, maxheight, ... properties from Sitecore were...


**Describe the bug** When using `allOf` to merge schema's, the example property in OpenAPI, and examples in AsyncAPI, is incorrectly validated. **To Reproduce** 1. Given this OpenAPI/AsyncAPI document '...' ```yaml...


When I shared two different shows underneath each other on Twitter, there was no visual cue to tell them apart: ![image]( This is because the open-graph and twitter card meta...

help wanted

If there's duplicate content you can find at multiple URL's, you can use the canonical meta tag to hint to search engines which URL to use in their search index....

help wanted

I'm testing the Dev Phone from a trial account. Do to trial account restrictions, the Dev Phone can't send SMS to phone numbers that aren't in the Verified Caller ID...


Recently, the default value for `AllowLocal` has been changed from `true` to `false`. This was because `AllowLocal` makes the request validation vulnerable to Server-Side Request Forgery. Maybe it makes more...