Niels Swimberghe

Results 43 comments of Niels Swimberghe

Do you still accept contributions?

> Triage: We will keep this issue open to give us time to add these results to Web APIs in MVC. `Results.Stream` is great. Glad to see this is on...

Did you find more info about someone else requesting this? If not, I can look into adding this new function.

I have a similar issue on macOS. `~/.dotnet/tools` can be found in the `PATH` environment variable, but it still does not work. I added the following line to the `.zshrc`...

C'mon Twilio folks, this code contribution has been ready to merge on the internal repo and public repo for a long time. The longer you let these things rot, the...

While not very approachable, it is doable today by using 2 different Twilio accounts. Here's how I did it in case someone else needs to do it before it is...

Thank you, can you assign it to me? Is there a guide to set the project up locally (AAD, CosmosDb, etc.)?

I cloned the project locally. Can we continue this conversation in chat or on a call?

Assuming PR [twilio-csharp#669]( is merged into Twilio helper library for .NET, the new `ToString`, `Save`, and `SaveAsync` would be more performant. Putting this on hold.

We don't have an explicit dependency on any logging package. Are you able to pin down the logging package version in your project yourself?