generator-gulp-angular copied to clipboard
typings dont install using newest version
1.0.3 version of typings.
no dependencies install.
just changed the ''ambient" to "global".
Updating From 0.x to 1.0?
rm -rf typings/
The directory contains "main", by default
Update tsconfig.json to match (the bundle file is typings/index.d.ts)
Want main and/or browser output again? See where the typings install in the FAQ
Usages of ambient are now global
That means in typings.json any ambientDependencies should be renamed globalDependencies and any ambientDevDependencies should be renamed globalDevDependencies.
It also means --ambient is now --global
Removed defaultAmbientSource
If you want to install from DefinitelyTyped, be explicit (use dt~