sysmon-config copied to clipboard
Event IDs with both Include and Exclude Filters
Regarding "z-AlphaVersion.xml":
It appears that Event IDs that have both Include and Exclude filter sets are only processing one or the other filter set. For example when I run sysmon -c to view the current configuration, it only shows the Include filter set for both FileCreateTime and NetworkConnect.
I have tested on both Sysmon v10.0 and v10.1.
There could just be a sysmon -c view issue that's preventing the excludes in those two Event IDs from being displayed. The main issue I have though is that I added a NetworkConnect exclusion for Loopback addresses:
<!--Section: Loopback Addresses--> <DestinationIp condition="is"></DestinationIp> <DestinationIp condition="begin with">fe80:0:0:0</DestinationIp>
and it didn't work. Adding this same config to the original config file, sysmonconfig-export.xml, with Sysmon v9, does work.
Creating pull request for sysmonconfig-export.xml, with this addition now.
I've spoken with another colleague who also wasn't able to get additional exclusions working for Event ID 3 in z-AlphaVersion.xml. He came to this finding completely separate from me.
I ran into a similar issue with v10.2, where entire sections were not showing in sysmon -c, as well as issues with exclusions I added not working. Making the include and exclude rules into separate rule groups seems to have made it work the way I wanted it to, and displays correctly when running sysmon -c. Unless there are unintended consequences of formatting it this way that I'm not aware of, this seems to have fixed my issues.
Like this:
<RuleGroup name="" groupRelation="or">
<NetworkConnect onmatch="include">
<RuleGroup name="" groupRelation="or">
<NetworkConnect onmatch="exclude">
@grokdesigns I'm on 10.2 now as well. I made your recommended change of breaking out inclusions/exclusions for the same event types into different rule groups. That fixed it for me on Event Type 3. Thanks for this tip man!!
@grokdesigns Thanks for the tip, this fixed my issues as well.
We also had this issue, thanks @grokdesigns