SwiftMessages copied to clipboard
MessageView not sliding down when using tableView inside it.
Hi there, Thanks for this great library. I'm facing an issue where I have a xib with a tableview in it, pinned to all sides. And I'm changing the tableview height using content size. so the message views size can vary. Now when the tableview content size is too big the scrolling comes in. Everything works except when I try to scroll down in the tableview(after reaching the top cell), the message view doesn't scroll with it.
Here's the config:
config.presentationStyle = .bottom
config.duration = .forever
config.interactiveHide = true
config.shouldAutorotate = false
config.presentationContext = .window(windowLevel: .normal)
config.dimMode = .color(color: AppColors.black.withAlphaComponent(0.8), interactive: true)
Is this a issue with the library? Or am I missing something? Please advice.
I'm not fully understanding the problem. Can you post a screen recording?
So, as you can see I can't dismiss the message view when scrolling down in the tableView. it is working when there is no scrolling in the tableView.
That wouldn't just work.
The behavior you're expecting would require coordination between your table view's gesture recognizers (which SwiftMessages has no idea about) and the gesture recognizer used to dismiss the message.
I'm flagging this as a feature request. I'll look into it if I can find some time.