Falcon icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Falcon copied to clipboard

SwiftGG iOS Application


Falcon heavy rocket🚀. An iOS application for SwiftGG.


The Falcon is written by Swift language, and follows the MVVM architecture.

FalcView & FalcTableViewCell & FalcViewController

To descripe a View in application. It needs to bind a ViewModel to show the datas.

class HomeItemTableViewCell: FalcTableViewCell<HomeItemTableViewCellModel> {
  override func initialViews() {}
  override func updateViews() {}
  override func initialLayouts() {}
  override func updateLayouts() {}

If we make the cell.viewModel = xxx, the View will call updateViews and updateLayouts to refresh the View.


We are able to need a View Model to create a view or cell, so the ViewModel class can help you. It includes a group of datas to descripe all datas for a View or Controller. And the View can only bind the ViewModel.

class HomeItemTableViewCellModel: FalcViewModel<Article> {}

In the demo, the Article is to descripe a basic meta model.

UITableView specification

Because of holding a group of ViewModels, the ViewController can call all datas for ViewController's View. If we make a all CellMLodels in the controller's ViewModel, the delegate function in UITableView is able to be code below:

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let vm = viewModel?.datas[safe: indexPath.row]
    if let vm = vm as? HomeItemTableViewCellModel {
        let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withClass: HomeItemTableViewCell.self)
        cell.selectionStyle = .none
        cell.viewModel = vm // update the datas and call updateViews
        return cell
    else if let vm = vm as? XXXXCellModel {
    return UITableViewCell()

Deploy The Development Environment

$ git clone [email protected]:SwiftGGTeam/Falcon.git && cd Falcon
$ bundle install
$ cd Falcon
$ bundle exec pod install --repo-update


🖼 zeplin

Product Docs

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