Git icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Git copied to clipboard

A Swift package for working with Git, built on top of libgit2.


A package for working with Git repositories in Swift, built on top of libgit2.

Warning: This is currently a work-in-progress and shouldn't be used in production.


  • Swift 5.2


import Git
import Foundation

let remoteURL = URL(string: "")!
let localURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "<#path/to/repository#>")
let repository = try Repository.clone(from: remoteURL, to: localURL)

repository.head?.name // "refs/heads/master"

let master = try repository.branch(named: "refs/heads/master")
master?.shortName// "master"
master?.commit?.message // "Initial commit"
master?.commit?.id.description // "6cf6579c191e20a5a77a7e3176d37a8d654c9fc4"
master?.commit? // "Mattt"

let tree = master?.commit?.tree
tree.count // 6

tree?[""]?.object is Blob // true
let blob = tree?[""]?.object as? Blob
String(data: blob!.data, encoding: .utf8) // "# StringLocationConverter (...)"

tree?["Sources"]?.object is Tree // true
let subtree = tree?["Sources"]?.object as? Tree
subtree?.count // 1
subtree?["StringLocationConverter"]?.object is Tree // true

let index = repository.index
let entries = index?.entries.compactMap { $0.blob }
entries?.count // 9




Mattt (@mattt)