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A program that sends a lot of fake ARP packets to the router. This may kick everyone out of the network!

ARP Bomber

This program sends a lot of fake ARP packets to the router, which makes it EXTREMELY confused. This may kick everyone out of the network! (^-^)


It is illegal to use this application against networks for which you don't have permission. You can use it only on YOUR network or a network that you are authorized to. I wrote this program for learning purposes only. I am not responsible for how you use this application and any damages you may cause.



Actually, at first, I wanted to write a program that prevents MITM (Man-in-the-middle) attack by sending ARP packets to current machine, but I failed to do that. The program did not work as I expected and it fails to prevent MITM attacks. However, I DID successfully send ARP packets. Then I came up with a interesting idea: what will happen if I send a lot of fake ARP reply packets to the router? I can send replies to the router on behalf of different clients, and tell the router that the device is at another MAC address (e.g. Router receives ARP reply: is at aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff). Will the router trust in my fake packets? So I wrote this program. The test result is fully unexpected for me - the router DID trust my packets, and all wireless devices disconnected from the router! The disconnected devices were not able to connect to the WiFi network until the attack stops: just like deauthentication attacks! So, I implemented some details of this program and decided to make it open-source.


Platform: linux

Command: g++ arp_bomber.cpp -o arp_bomber


MIT License. Please see LICENSE

ARP 轰炸机

本程序发送大量的虚假ARP数据包给路由器,让它非常混乱。这可能可以把所有人都踢出网络! (^-^)





实际上,一开始我是想写一个通过往自己的机器发送ARP数据包来防止MITM(中间人攻击)的程序的,但是我没成功。那个程序并没有像我想象的那样能够防护MITM攻击,但是我却成功地发送了ARP数据包。然后我就萌生了一个 有趣的 想法:要是我把大量的虚假ARP回复数据包发给路由器会发生什么呢?我可以以其他机器的名义给路由器发送回复,并告诉路由器这个机器在别的MAC地址上(例如: 路由器接收到ARP回复: 在 aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff上)。路由器会不会相信我发的数据包呢?所以我就写了这个程序。测试的结果完全出乎我的意料 —— 路由器确实相信了我的数据包,并且所有无线设备都断开了连接!所有断开了的设备都无法重新连上WiFi,直到攻击停止:就像是取消验证(deauthentication)攻击一样。所以,我把本程序的一些细节完善了,并决定开源。


平台: linux

命令: g++ arp_bomber.cpp -o arp_bomber



Captures / 截图

User Interface / 用户界面
User Interface / 用户界面

Wireshark Capture / Wireshark 抓包
Wireshark Capture / Wireshark 抓包