WatchOS2-NewAPI-HealthKit-HeartReateExample copied to clipboard
WatchOS 2 Experiments - New API Components - Streaming HeartRate with HealthKit Framework.
WatchOS2 - New API - HealthKit - Heartrate Example
WatchOS 2 Experiments - New API Components - Heartrate with HealthKit Framework.
= XCode 8.
= Swift 3.
= WatchOS2.
Tested on WatchOS2, iOS 9.1 Simulators.
To run the example project, download or clone the repo.
this is the Xcode 8 / Swift 3 updated project.
- HealthKit required in linked Framework and libraries.
- You must allow app to access your streaming heartrate from iPhone
- Change the 'Team' setting on [General] for each target.
Example Code!
Configure :
- Customize your Interface Controller (Storyboard)
- import HealthKit to your Interface Controller class
// create store object
let healthStore = HKHealthStore()
// create HKWorkoutSession with ActivityType (Cycling, Walking ...)
let workoutSession = HKWorkoutSession(activityType: HKWorkoutActivityType.CrossTraining, locationType: HKWorkoutSessionLocationType.Indoor)
let heartRateUnit = HKUnit(fromString: "count/min")
var anchor = HKQueryAnchor(fromValue: Int(HKAnchoredObjectQueryNoAnchor))
- in interface context object method
workoutSession.delegate = self
- in willActivate() method
/// Indicates whether HealthKit is available on this device
guard HKHealthStore.isHealthDataAvailable() == true else {
infoLabel.setText("not available")
/// To create samples that store a numerical value
guard let quantityType = HKQuantityType.quantityTypeForIdentifier(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeartRate) else {
/// Request permission to save and read the specified data types
let dataTypes = Set(arrayLiteral: quantityType)
healthStore.requestAuthorizationToShareTypes(nil, readTypes: dataTypes) { (success, error) -> Void in
if success == false {
- HKWorkoutSessionDelegate required
extension WKInterfaceController : HKWorkoutSessionDelegate {
func workoutSession(workoutSession: HKWorkoutSession, didChangeToState toState: HKWorkoutSessionState, fromState: HKWorkoutSessionState, date: NSDate) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
switch toState {
case .Running:
case .Ended:
print("unexpected \(toState)")
func workoutSession(workoutSession: HKWorkoutSession, didFailWithError error: NSError) {
print("workOutSession Error : \(error.localizedDescription)")
Build and Run on simulator or physical watch! Get datas in Health App!