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TFG/TFM Cleanup
Current status: 14/15 TFGs and TFMs in branches
Main classes/functions:
Outline of the solution
- [ ] EigenValues (@aitzibermaneru): @FerrerFerreAlex
- [ ] fixingBuckling (@BernatDescalzi): @FerrerFerreAlex
- [ ] polr (Minres) (@PolRuiz): @FerrerFerreAlex @RaulRubioSerrano
- [ ] Superelements (@gervilquin): @gervilquin @RaulRubioSerrano will check
- [ ] autoDiff (@masca01): @FerrerFerreAlex will check, @gervilquin will talk to @ArnauPena
- [ ] TFGAlvaro (@AlvaroEditor): @jose-antonio-torres will save the meshes and delete
- [ ] MarioFernández (@mafeva22): @RaulRubioSerrano
- [ ] TFG_Daniel (@DanielColas): @FerrerFerreAlex
- [x] JoanTFG (@jvsegui): @tcreusc will delete
- [ ] TFG_GerardF (@GerardFortuny): @FerrerFerreAlex @jose-antonio-torres one day
- [ ] Superellipses (@JoelCarrasc0): @FerrerFerreAlex
- [ ] Conjugate_Gradient_Acceleration (@ArnauPena): @gervilquin @RaulRubioSerrano
- [ ] TFGRosa, TFGMultimaterial & Multimat_TestPass (@rosa-galan): @jose-antonio-torres working on it
- [ ] Example-shape-derivative (@lauradp01): @FerrerFerreAlex
Assigned to: see above Wingman: