Stefan Parker
Stefan Parker
This is maybe a little fringe, but I'm hoping it's also an easy fix. When my core library is packaged and used externally, the generated files' references that go through...
The only thing I'm not 100% sure about is soft deletes, but I believe those get their delete actions converted to update actions, so it won't have any effect here.
Ents with a field edge get that edge created automatically (and removed automatically when unset) through their builder. This is done in the `getEditedFields` method of the builder, as defined...
I have a Pattern `Entry` defined as such: ```ts export const Entry: Pattern = { name: 'Entry', fields: { competitionID: UUIDType({ fieldEdge: { schema: 'Competition', inverseEdge: { name: 'entries', hideFromGraphQL:...
Patterns create unions in graphQL which is technically valid and correct, but not really useful the way patterns are implemented in Ent. They should be interfaces, and then the ents...
If I create a custom graphQL object type for a return on a function, I cannot use it for two functions within the same file (or maybe globally too?). If...