Kisak-Strike copied to clipboard
This issue is dedicated to the Open Source bullet physics.
First off, the appropriate people should be credited:
Known Issues
- ~No Noises/Particles when bounced around on terrain( can't be done until the deactivation problem is fixed )~ Deactivation thresholds changed back to bullet stock settings. Noises/Particles got fixed by making the simulation more accurate -- this was done by changing the maxSubSteps in stepSimulation(). ( Basically allows for smaller resolution steps when collisions happen
- ~Small things like pistols can go through the floor sometimes~ This was also fixed by changing maxSubSteps
- ~Things seem to move for too long after coming to a standstill, sometimes forever~ Fixed by changing sleep thresholds back to bullet stock settings
- ~GetSimulationTime() impl needed for the ragdoll sleep after x seconds convar.~
- ~Getting stuck on the edges of various objects(boxes/crates/bricks)~ Fixed by changing raytrace TraceBox() thresholds
- ~Objects are a bit above the terrain instead of appearing to rest directly on the terrain.~ Fixed by lowering collision margin in LedgeToConvex() on small objects.
- Ragdolls are a little unstable. ~Sounds are currently disabled on them due to the massive amount of bone collisions.~ Ragdoll self-collisions have been disabled and sounds re-added CSGO also has a built-in hack to force them to sleep after 2 seconds. ( see convar
) - The friction sound is very lame, I changed it in
it takes some sort of .wav loop but it just sounds bad no matter what it's set to. I actually think the original one in csgo was broken(too quiet to hear) - Threading is experimental, tested a bit, seems that performance is better without it.
Physics overlay works.
Things like the swings on overpass kinda work ( unlike kisak-physics ).
Pros and Cons of BulletPhysics vs Kisak-Physics
- Free license
- Code is not from 1990s and has decent documentation, widespread usage, and is pretty clean.
- Less crash-prone
- More complex physics
- Supports threads (although experimental)
- Not the original CSGO physics engine
- Performance can tank for a moment when changing rounds on maps with lots of props ( see mirage ) - This is mainly due to the position of all the physics props being reset and dropped to the ground via gravity. ( update: although recently I have noticed this occurs on retail csgo as well. )
- Tunneling problem tradeoff vs performance ( see convar
). A value too low will allow pistols and small items to fly through walls at high speed, however a value too high will degrade performance when collisions occur.
Bullet Physics(old)
Kisak Physics
Well, can your bullet be used in source-2013?