When I provide images in a loop without any delay, the processing time for yolov7-face or yolov8-face is short. However, when I feed the images to the detection function one...
When I run the main.cpp in Colab with "!g++ /content/yolov7-detect-face-onnxrun-cpp-py/main.cpp -o cv -I/usr/include/opencv4 -I/usr/local/include/onnxruntime/", I got the errors below. What can be the problem and the solution? ``` /content/yolov7-detect-face-onnxrun-cpp-py/main.cpp: In...
Could you please share the onnx file on Google drive please, I could not enter to baidu.
Where is the inference.cu? I run the code and the outputs are like below. When I look to output images, there are no bounding boxes, it does not do inference....
When I run onnx2trt, I got the output below: ``` [03/03/2023-06:51:38] [W] [TRT] CUDA lazy loading is not enabled. Enabling it can significantly reduce device memory usage. See `CUDA_MODULE_LOADING` in...
While using ByteTrack as a tracker, the visualized bounding boxes sometimes do not precisely match the detection results. Are there any methods to assign tracking IDs to detections without altering...
How did you obtained the yolov8-lite-t and yolov8-lite-s. In the repo of https://github.com/ultralytics, there does not exists models yolov8-lite-t and yolov8-lite-t. I coould not find the source. Could you share...
Installing the packages on cloud devices is hard because of outdated packages, do you consider updating packages and revising the code? Thanks for great project!
YoloV10 OBB
Do you have any plan to develop YoloV10 OBB (Oriented-Bounding-Box)? It would be super beneficial!
While using ByteTrack as a tracker, the visualized bounding boxes sometimes do not precisely match the detection results. Are there any methods to assign tracking IDs to detections without altering...