PyArmor-Unpacker copied to clipboard
Make it for working on Python2.7
Can u make it this for python 2.7 ? i'm trying to modify method 1 with change non existing function, e.g Signature/Parameter class. on python2.7 don't have it .. i change using funcsigs also add apply_defaults to funcsigs module ...
but still not working ,show error when call function find_first_opcode
this code:
import imp
import time
import struct
import opcode
import marshal
import types
import funcsigs
from functools import wraps
import sys
import dis
import os
# import inspect
def to_little(op):
return struct.pack(
"<H", op
def to_big(op):
return struct.pack(
">H", op
LOAD_GLOBAL = opcode.opmap["LOAD_GLOBAL"]
RETURN_OPCODE = to_little(
OPCODE_SIZE = 2 # can differ in older/newer versions
# All absolute jumps
JUMP_ABSOLUTE = opcode.opmap.get("JUMP_ABSOLUTE")
CONTINUE_LOOP = opcode.opmap.get("CONTINUE_LOOP")
POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE = opcode.opmap.get("POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE")
POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE = opcode.opmap.get("POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE")
JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP = opcode.opmap.get("JUMP_IF_TRUE_OR_POP")
absolute_jumps = [
# TODO more documentation
code_attrs = [
# if sys.version_info.major < 3 or (
# sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor < 8
# ):
# code_attrs.remove("co_posonlyargcount")
double_jump = (
True if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 10 else False
def get_magic():
return imp.get_magic() + struct.pack(
"<L", int(
def load_code(pyc):
return marshal.loads(
open(pyc, 'rb+').read()[8:]
MAGIC_NUMBER = get_magic()
started_exiting = False
def calculate_extended_args(
arg #: int,
): # This function will calculate the necessary extended_args needed
- Its opcode shifts left by 8, and adds it to the next opcode
- There are a maximum of 3 EXTENDED_ARGs for one opcode because
the first of those will be shifted 3 times for a total of
24 bits shifted. This fits exactly in the 32-bit integer boundaries.
extended_args = []
new_arg = arg
if arg > 255:
extended_arg = arg >> 8
while True:
if extended_arg > 255:
extended_args.append(extended_arg & 255)
extended_arg >>= 8
extended_args.reverse() # reverse because we appended in the order
# of most recent EXTENDED_ARG (the one closest to
# the actual opcode) to the least recent EXTENDED_ARG
# (the one farthest from the actual opcode)
new_arg = arg & 255
return extended_args, new_arg
def execute_code_obj(obj): # types.CodeType):
def a():
a.__code__ = obj
number_of_regular_arguments = obj.co_argcount
if sys.version_info.major > 3 or (
sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor > 7
args = [i for i in range(obj.co_argcount)]
number_of_regular_arguments -= obj.co_argcount
args = []
kwargs = {obj.co_varnames[-i]: i for i in range(obj.co_argcount)}
args.extend([i for i in range(number_of_regular_arguments - obj.co_argcount)])
a(*args, **kwargs)
def find_first_opcode(co, op_code): # bytes, op_code: int):
for i in range(0, len(co), 2):
if co[i] == op_code:
return i
raise ValueError("Could not find the opcode")
def get_arg_bytes(co, op_code_index): # bytes, op_code_index: int) -> bytearray:
This function calculate the argument of a call while considering the EXTENDED_ARG opcodes that may come before that
result = bytearray()
result.append(co[op_code_index + 1])
checked_opcode = op_code_index - 2
while checked_opcode >= 0 and co[checked_opcode] == EXTENDED_ARG:
result.insert(0, co[checked_opcode + 1])
checked_opcode -= 2
return result
def calculate_arg(co, op_code_index): #bytes, op_code_index: int) -> int:
return int(
co, op_code_index
).encode('hex'), 16
# return int.from_bytes(get_arg_bytes(co, op_code_index), "big")
def calculate_extended_args(arg):
# arg: int,
# ): # This function will calculate the necessary extended_args needed
extended_args = []
new_arg = arg
if arg > 255:
extended_arg = arg >> 8
while True:
if extended_arg > 255:
extended_arg -= 255
new_arg = arg % 256
return extended_args, new_arg
def get_flags(flags):
names = []
for i in range(32):
flag = 1<<i
if flags & flag:
flags ^= flag
if not flags:
return names
def flag_to_num(flags, exclude=[]):
real = 0
for flag in flags:
if flag not in exclude:
real ^= flag
return real
def remove_async(flags): # int) -> int:
flag_lst = get_flags(flags)
return flag_to_num(flag_lst, [128, 256, 512]) # all coroutine flags
def handle_under_armor(obj): # types.CodeType):
# TODO make handling EXTENDED_ARG a function
i = find_first_opcode(obj.co_code, JUMP_FORWARD)
jumping_arg = i + calculate_arg(obj.co_code, i)
if double_jump:
jumping_arg *= 2
load_armor = jumping_arg + find_first_opcode(obj.co_code[jumping_arg:], LOAD_GLOBAL)
pop_index = load_armor + 4
obj = copy_code_obj(
co_code=obj.co_code[:pop_index] + RETURN_OPCODE + obj.co_code[pop_index + 2 :],
old_freevars = obj.co_freevars
old_flags = obj.co_flags
obj = copy_code_obj(obj, co_freevars=(), co_flags=remove_async(old_flags))
except Exception as e:
obj = copy_code_obj(obj, co_code=obj.co_code, co_freevars=old_freevars, co_flags=old_flags)
new_names = tuple(n for n in obj.co_names if n != "__armor__")
return copy_code_obj(obj, co_code=obj.co_code[:jumping_arg], co_names=new_names)
def output_code(obj):
if isinstance(obj, types.CodeType):
obj = copy_code_obj(
co_names=tuple(output_code(name) for name in obj.co_names),
co_varnames=tuple(output_code(name) for name in obj.co_varnames),
co_freevars=tuple(output_code(name) for name in obj.co_freevars),
co_cellvars=tuple(output_code(name) for name in obj.co_cellvars),
co_consts=tuple(output_code(name) for name in obj.co_consts),
# TODO I think there is a bug here because the prints are really weird.
if "pytransform" in obj.co_freevars:
# obj.co_name not in ["<lambda>", 'check_obfuscated_script', 'check_mod_pytransform']:
elif "__armor__" in obj.co_names:
# TODO I don't know when a function uses __armor__ but we should find it and add tests
obj = handle_under_armor(obj)
elif "__armor_enter__" in obj.co_names:
obj = handle_armor_enter(obj)
return obj
def handle_armor_enter(obj):
load_enter_function = b"".join(
# i.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big")
for i in [LOAD_GLOBAL, obj.co_names.index("__armor_enter__")]
pop_top_start = obj.co_code.find(load_enter_function) + 4
load_exit_function = b"".join(
# i.to_bytes(1, byteorder="big")
for i in [LOAD_GLOBAL, obj.co_names.index("__armor_exit__")]
fake_exit = obj.co_code.find(load_exit_function) - 2
new_code = (
obj.co_code[:pop_top_start] + RETURN_OPCODE + obj.co_code[pop_top_start + 2 :]
) # replace the pop_top after __pyarmor_enter__ to return
# dis.dis(new_code)
old_freevars = obj.co_freevars
old_flags = obj.co_flags
obj = copy_code_obj(obj, co_code=new_code, co_freevars=(), co_flags=remove_async(old_flags))
except Exception as e:
obj = copy_code_obj(obj, co_code=obj.co_code, co_freevars=old_freevars, co_flags=old_flags)
names = tuple(
n for n in obj.co_names if not n.startswith("__armor")
) # remove the pyarmor functions
raw_code = obj.co_code
# print(raw_code)
# dis.dis(raw_code)
try_start = find_first_opcode(obj.co_code, SETUP_FINALLY)
size = calculate_arg(obj.co_code, try_start)
if double_jump:
size *= 2
raw_code = raw_code[: try_start + size]
raw_code = raw_code[try_start + 2 :]
raw_code += (
RETURN_OPCODE # add return # TODO this adds return none to everything? what?
raw_code = bytearray(raw_code)
i = 0
while i < len(raw_code):
op = raw_code[i]
if op in absolute_jumps:
argument = calculate_arg(raw_code, i)
while raw_code[i-2] == EXTENDED_ARG: # Remove the preceding extended arguments, we add our custom ones later on
raw_code.pop(i-2) # opcode
raw_code.pop(i-2) # arguments
i -= 2
op = raw_code[i]
if double_jump:
argument *= 2
if argument == fake_exit:
raw_code[i] = opcode.opmap[
] # Got to use this because the variable is converted to bytes
new_arg = argument - (try_start + 2)
extended_args, new_arg = calculate_extended_args(new_arg)
for extended_arg in extended_args:
raw_code.insert(i, EXTENDED_ARG)
i + 1, extended_arg if not double_jump else extended_arg // 2
i += 2
raw_code[i + 1] = new_arg if not double_jump else new_arg // 2
i += 2
raw_code = bytes(raw_code)
return copy_code_obj(obj, co_names=names, co_code=raw_code)
# def _pack_uint32(val):
# """Convert integer to 32-bit little-endian bytes"""
# return struct.pack("<I", val)
def code_to_bytecode(code): #, mtime=0, source_size=0):
# """
# Serialise the passed code object (PyCodeObject*) to bytecode as a .pyc file
# The args mtime and source_size are inconsequential metadata in the .pyc file.
# """
# # Add the magic number that indicates the version of Python the bytecode is for
# #
# # The .pyc may not decompile if this four-byte value is wrong. Either hardcode the
# # value for the target version (eg. b'\x33\x0D\x0D\x0A' instead of MAGIC_NUMBER)
# # or see to step through different values to find a valid one.
# data = bytearray(MAGIC_NUMBER)
# # Handle extra 32-bit field in header from Python 3.7 onwards
# # See:
# if sys.version_info >= (3, 7):
# # Blank bit field value to indicate traditional pyc header
# data.extend(_pack_uint32(0))
# data.extend(_pack_uint32(int(mtime)))
# # Handle extra 32-bit field for source size from Python 3.2 onwards
# # See:
# if sys.version_info >= (3, 2):
# data.extend(_pack_uint32(source_size))
# data.extend(marshal.dumps(code))
data = MAGIC_NUMBER + marshal.dumps(code)
return data
def orig_or_new(func):
sig = funcsigs.signature(func)
kwarg_params = list(sig.parameters.keys())
def wrapee(orig, **kwargs):
binding = sig.bind_partial(**kwargs)
new_kwargs = binding.arguments
for k in kwarg_params:
if k not in new_kwargs:
new_kwargs[k] = getattr(orig, k)
return func(**new_kwargs)
# add the original_object to the signature of the function
orig_params = list(sig.parameters.values())
0, funcsigs.Parameter("original_object", funcsigs.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY)
wrapee.__signature__ = sig
return wrapee
def array_to_params(names_array):
return [
funcsigs.Parameter(name, funcsigs.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default=None)
for name in names_array
def sig_from_array(names_array):
def decor(f):
sig = funcsigs.Signature(parameters=array_to_params(names_array))
def wrappe(**kwargs):
bound = sig.bind(**kwargs)
return f(**bound.kwargs)
wrappe.__signature__ = sig
return wrappe
return decor
def copy_code_obj(**kwargs):
create a copy of code object with different paramters.
If a parameter is None then the default is the previous code object values
args = [kwargs[name] for name in code_attrs]
return types.CodeType(*args)
def marshal_to_pyc(file_path, code): # typing.Union[str, Path], code: types.CodeType):
file_path = str(file_path)
pyc_code = code_to_bytecode(code)
with open(file_path, "wb") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":
for (
) in sys._current_frames().values(): # Loop all the threads running in the process
if (
"frozen" in frame.f_code.co_filename
or "tkinter" in frame.f_code.co_filename
): # Find the correct thread (when injecting this code it also creates a new thread so we need to find the main one)
while (
frame.f_back.f_back != None
): # NOTE the frame before None is the obfuscated one
frame = (
) # Keep going one frame back until we find the main frame (see NOTE above on how we identify it)
code = frame.f_code
code = output_code(code)
filename = code.co_filename.replace("<frozen ", "").replace(">", "")
if filename.endswith(".pyc"):
elif filename.endswith(".py"):
filename += "c"
filename += ".pyc"
DUMP_DIR = "./dump"
if not os.path.exists(DUMP_DIR):
# DUMP_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
marshal_to_pyc(DUMP_DIR + "/" + filename, code)
# if __name__=="__main__":
# code = load_code("sc.pyc")
# output_code(code)
Hey, sorry to hear that you couldn't make it work for Python 2.7. Currently, I'm not planning on adding support for 2.7 but some things that you could try: dump the code object through sys._getframe, and reverse engineer the pytransform.dll
to remove the bootstrap restrict mode, it will likely look different to the 3.x dll's.
should look very similar though.
Hey, sorry to hear that you couldn't make it work for Python 2.7. Currently, I'm not planning on adding support for 2.7 but some things that you could try: dump the code object through sys._getframe, and reverse engineer the
to remove the bootstrap restrict mode, it will likely look different to the 3.x dll'
should look very similar though.
i also ever try it to edit Cpython 2.7 source for dumping marshal to file,.. but that' don't have any effect.. and when i trying with python3+ it's working,.. so i think the both of that python version have some different. yahhh and i don't know where their difference 🤦
and u say using sys._getframe
to dump decrypted opcode in memory.. , example i have file with one function and the function have one required argument to call it..
so i'm trying to call again the function from file
with inject dll method,. .. and my question., where i can get decrypted opcode after call it?
Using sys._getframe
you will get the encrypted code objects (only the ones that are running at the point of injecting will be decrypted), but using the bypass restrict mode you'll still be able to run it just fine
If you ended up getting this working I would appreciate the code. I'm currently trying the same thing as you and running into this issue.