@maetthu A category without `multiple: true` should act almost the same as a grouping, besides the backend rendering, so using that seems more appropriate for your usecase. The difference is...
Closing as #5846 is essentially the same bug (proper hydration of repeater fields), but has a more general discussion.
Templatefields are not saved to database in a conventional manner, they are serialized to json and then saved to a column in the same table as the records. The plan...
Ah, wait, I misunderstood. Previously bolt would just not remove the field, I now saw that you say it's throwing errors. That is a bug, and should probably be fixed....
I didn't use mysql (it was on sqlite), but I ran a bolt install with 500 000~ish records at my last job, with multiple relations between them and that was...
Are you looking to make it work with _any_ path? Because currently it works with the theme folders and the filespath, but I'm guessing your images aren't in either of...
Going to close this cause inactivity. Please feel free to reopen if this is still an issue!
@CarsonF not to annoy you... but did you get progress on this? EDIT: just remembered that we talked about this with regards to the theme images, same (sort of) issue?
@CarsonF I don't mean to be annoying... but I'm going to be. Any news on this?
@ToBe998 I added the keep label which keeps the stalebot away. Could you please PR your solution so it can be reviewed as such? Thanks!