diff-coverage-maven-plugin icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Maven plugin for computing code coverage on modified code


Release Maven Central codecov

Diff coverage maven plugin builds JaCoCo compatible code coverage report of new and modified code based on a provided diff.

The plugin is able to check and fail a build if code coverage rules are not met.

How it works

Diff coverage works in tandem with JaCoCo and requires JaCoCo to be applied to a project as well. The plugin does the next steps:

  • analyzes coverage data('.exec' files generated by JaCoCo)
  • cuts off all code coverage data that wasn't modified
  • checks violation rules if any are set up
  • builds diff coverage HTML report. See HTML report example

Install plugin

        <plugin> <!-- Make sure JaCoCo plugin is applied -->
                <!-- Required. diff content source. only one of file, URL or Git is allowed -->
                    <!-- path to diff file -->
                    <!-- branch, revision or tag -->
                    <git>HEAD</git> <!-- compares current HEAD and all uncommited with this <git> -->
                    <!-- URL to get diff content by. Used GET method -->
                <!-- Optional -->
                    <!-- Default 'false'. Fail build if violation rules weren't met  -->

                    <!-- Sets min coverage rule for: instructions, lines, branches -->
                    <!-- Each rule could be configured separately -->
                    <!-- Default '0.0'. If value is '0.0' then the rule is disabled -->

                <!-- Optional. Exec files include pattern. By default 'build/jacoco.exec' file is used -->
                <!-- Optional. Exec files exclude pattern -->
                <!-- Optional. Ant patterns by which we include classes for coverage report. -->
                <!-- Optional. Ant patterns by which we exclude classes from coverage report. -->
                <!-- If neither <includes> nor <excludes> are specified then we pass all classes for coverage report -->

Maven goal description

Diff Coverage Maven plugin has a single goal diffCoverage that is bind to verify phase

# run tests and build diff coverage report
mvn clean verify

# Invoke the goal explicitly.
# It depends on `test` phase, make sure it's called when coverage data(*.exec files) already generated.  
mvn clean test diff-coverage:diffCoverage

Report example

Maven output on failed violation rules:

[INFO] File src/main/kotlin/org/example/Hello.kt has 5 modified lines
[INFO] New violation: Rule violated for bundle untitled: instructions covered ratio is 0.4, but expected minimum is 0.7
[INFO] New violation: Rule violated for bundle untitled: lines covered ratio is 0.6, but expected minimum is 0.7
[WARNING] Fail on violations: true. Found violations: 2.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  9.919 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-07-06T00:56:33+03:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Rule violated for bundle TestProj: instructions covered ratio is 0.4, but expected minimum is 0.7
[ERROR] Rule violated for bundle TestProj: lines covered ratio is 0.6, but expected minimum is 0.7

The plugin creates JaCoCo like HTML, XML and CSV reports in directory target/site/diffCoverage/.

DiffCoverage HTML report
JaCoCo HTML report JaCoCo HTML report