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GDNative Serial port communication
I want use it on linux. But when i run [scons p=linux], ERROR : src/GDSercomm.c:1:10: fatal error: gdnative_api_struct.gen.h: No such file or directory
Hi, I have already written one application to work with a serial device under windows which is working perfectly. I now need a second application which sends AT commands to...
Hello, When I try to compile the following shows vk:GDSercomm vanoak$ scons p=osx scons: Reading SConscript files ... scons: done reading SConscript files. scons: Building targets ... gcc -o src/GDSercomm.os...
When I want open the port, For some seconds game freezes and suddenly window closed and process killed. This error appear in output windows: ` drivers/windows/stream_peer_tcp_winsock.cpp:203 - Server disconnected! `