Ben Kochie

Results 966 comments of Ben Kochie

While this may seem trivial at first glance, it's a lot more complicated. The combination of unit states and substates is quite a long list. From `systemctl --state=help`: ``` Available...

This appears to be on Windows. The node_exporter is for Linux/UNIX systems. You're probably looking for the [windows_exporter](

It's an interesting idea, but IMO this is mostly unnecessary. You can compose PromQL that handles both old and new names. I would rather give users more simple flags like...

This seems a bit out of scope for the node_exporter. For monitoring Kuberentes Persistent Volumes, it's recommended to use [kube-state-metrics]( EDIT: In addition, there are kubelet metrics for PVs.

Sorry, this is out of scope for the node_exporter. This is not a supported use case.

Thanks for the detailed issue. It'd be nice to get some more info from FreeBSD experts on this one.

There's a procfs PR to improve mdadm parsing. ( But, as @dswarbrick mentioned, we should probably add parsing for the new sysfs files.

Yes, OpenMetrics support is planned. We need to get full support in the Prometheus Go client library. Once that's ready, we'll be able to implement it here.

Can you attach a copy of `/proc/mounts`? This is where the exporter gets the filesystem list.