SimpleElastix copied to clipboard
Transformed labelmap image is cropped
I'm getting what appears to be a cropped binary image following use of Transformix. I would appreciate some insight as to whether the effect is some artefact due to improper use, an error in my interpretation, or other.
I begin with a DICOM SEG that relates to a "Source" 3D DICOM image, SrcIm
. The objective is to resample the Source 3D segment to a "Target" 3D DICOM image's (TrgIm
) grid. The SEG is parsed to obtain a Numpy pixel array, SrcPixArr
and based on the ReferencedSOPInstanceUIDs, a list of indices, SrcF2Sinds
(frame-to-slice indices), that link each frame in SrcPixArr
to the slice number within SrcIm
has shape (F, R, C)
, where F
= the number of frames that make up the segment, R
= the number of rows/cols of SrcIm
Next I convert SrcPixArr
to what I call a "labelmap array", which is simply a zero-padded representation of SrcPixArr
. SrcLabmapArr
has shape (S, R, C)
, where S
= the number of slices in SrcIm
. The indices SrcF2Sinds
determine where the F
2D masks are mapped to within the S
frames in SrcLabmapArr
Now that I have a pixel array that matches the dimensions of SrcIm
, I convert SrcLabmapArr
to a SimpleITK image. I call this a "labelmap image" - not to be confused with ITK's Labelmap class. SrcLabmapIm
not only has the same size, but also origin, spacing and direction as SrcIm
I register SrcIm
(= moving image) toTrgIm
(= fixed image), then use Transformix to transform SrcLabmapIm
to get TxSrcLabmapIm
I can provide the code used to perform the above, but in the interest of keeping this readable I have only copied the bits that I suspect are relevant to ascertain what's the cause of the cropping.
Following is how I perform the registration:
RegImFilt = sitk.ElastixImageFilter()
ParamMap = sitk.GetDefaultParameterMap('affine')
ParamMap['AutomaticTransformInitialization'] = ['true']
ParamMap['AutomaticTransformInitializationMethod'] = ['GeometricalCenter']
ParamMap['AutomaticScalesEstimation'] = ['true']
ParamMap['BSplineInterpolatorOrder'] = ['1']
ParamMap['FixedInternalImagePixelType'] = ['float']
ParamMap['MovingInternalImagePixelType'] = ['float']
ParamMap['HowToCombineTransforms'] = ['Compose']
ParamMap['MaximumNumberOfIterations'] = ['500']
ParamMap['NumberOfHistogramBins'] = ['32']
ParamMap['UseDirectionCosines'] = ['true']
ParamMap['WriteIterationInfo'] = ['true']
And the transformation of SrcLabmapIm
TxImFilt = sitk.TransformixImageFilter()
TxParamMap = RegImFilt.GetParameterMap()
TxMap = RegImFilt.GetTransformParameterMap()
""" See [1]: """
TxMap[0]["ResampleInterpolator"] = ["FinalNearestNeighborInterpolator"]
""" The image is binary so set the FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder to 0 to avoid "overshoot"-related
"garbage" as described in the elastix manual (see 4.3 The transform parameter file): """
TxMap[0]["FinalBSplineInterpolationOrder"] = ["0"]
TxSrcLabmapIm = TxImFilt.GetResultImage()
[1] As per @NHPatterson 's advice #409
I've uploaded a jpg of a plot of the segmentations present for Source (spanning slices 108 to 122), and the transformed segmentations for Target (spanning slices 19 to 25).
If it's of any use, here I have put some NIFTI files of SrcIm
, TrgIm
, SrcLabmapIm
and TxSrcLabmapIm
(ignore the "New" part of the filename), as well as the source SEG, and folders containing the Source and Target DICOMs. Thanks!
Image (00000246F9D33D60) RTTI typeinfo: class itk::Image<float,3> Reference Count: 2 Modified Time: 965 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Source: (none) Source output name: (none) Release Data: Off Data Released: False Global Release Data: Off PipelineMTime: 943 UpdateMTime: 964 RealTimeStamp: 0 seconds LargestPossibleRegion: Dimension: 3 Index: [0, 0, 0] Size: [512, 512, 192] BufferedRegion: Dimension: 3 Index: [0, 0, 0] Size: [512, 512, 192] RequestedRegion: Dimension: 3 Index: [0, 0, 0] Size: [512, 512, 192] Spacing: [0.5, 0.5, 1] Origin: [-129.808, -109.976, -117.14] Direction: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
IndexToPointMatrix: 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 1
PointToIndexMatrix: 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1
Inverse Direction: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
PixelContainer: ImportImageContainer (00000246FA83D070) RTTI typeinfo: class itk::ImportImageContainer<unsigned __int64,float> Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 961 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Pointer: 000002468000A040 Container manages memory: true Size: 50331648 Capacity: 50331648
Image (00000246FB0768B0) RTTI typeinfo: class itk::Image<float,3> Reference Count: 2 Modified Time: 1156 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Source: (none) Source output name: (none) Release Data: Off Data Released: False Global Release Data: Off PipelineMTime: 1133 UpdateMTime: 1155 RealTimeStamp: 0 seconds LargestPossibleRegion: Dimension: 3 Index: [0, 0, 0] Size: [270, 320, 40] BufferedRegion: Dimension: 3 Index: [0, 0, 0] Size: [270, 320, 40] RequestedRegion: Dimension: 3 Index: [0, 0, 0] Size: [270, 320, 40] Spacing: [0.71875, 0.71875, 4] Origin: [-63.5501, -156.401, -57.1759] Direction: 0.972062 -0.19324 -0.133243 0.217328 0.955414 0.199881 0.0886773 -0.223254 0.970718
IndexToPointMatrix: 0.69867 -0.138891 -0.532972 0.156205 0.686704 0.799524 0.0637368 -0.160464 3.88287
PointToIndexMatrix: 1.35243 0.30237 0.123377 -0.268855 1.32927 -0.310615 -0.0333107 0.0499702 0.242679
Inverse Direction: 0.972062 0.217328 0.0886773 -0.19324 0.955414 -0.223254 -0.133243 0.199881 0.970718
PixelContainer: ImportImageContainer (00000246FAE4AFC0) RTTI typeinfo: class itk::ImportImageContainer<unsigned __int64,float> Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 1152 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Pointer: 000002468C011040 Container manages memory: true Size: 3456000 Capacity: 3456000
Image (00000246FB076E30) RTTI typeinfo: class itk::Image<unsigned int,3> Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 1351 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Source: (none) Source output name: (none) Release Data: Off Data Released: False Global Release Data: Off PipelineMTime: 0 UpdateMTime: 0 RealTimeStamp: 0 seconds LargestPossibleRegion: Dimension: 3 Index: [0, 0, 0] Size: [512, 512, 192] BufferedRegion: Dimension: 3 Index: [0, 0, 0] Size: [512, 512, 192] RequestedRegion: Dimension: 3 Index: [0, 0, 0] Size: [512, 512, 192] Spacing: [0.5, 0.5, 1] Origin: [-129.808, -109.976, -117.14] Direction: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
IndexToPointMatrix: 0.5 0 0 0 0.5 0 0 0 1
PointToIndexMatrix: 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1
Inverse Direction: 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
PixelContainer: ImportImageContainer (00000246FAE48D30) RTTI typeinfo: class itk::ImportImageContainer<unsigned __int64,unsigned int> Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 1348 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Pointer: 00000246BABB8040 Container manages memory: true Size: 50331648 Capacity: 50331648
Image (00000246FB0789B0) RTTI typeinfo: class itk::Image<float,3> Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 64477 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Source: (none) Source output name: (none) Release Data: Off Data Released: False Global Release Data: Off PipelineMTime: 0 UpdateMTime: 0 RealTimeStamp: 0 seconds LargestPossibleRegion: Dimension: 3 Index: [0, 0, 0] Size: [270, 320, 40] BufferedRegion: Dimension: 3 Index: [0, 0, 0] Size: [270, 320, 40] RequestedRegion: Dimension: 3 Index: [0, 0, 0] Size: [270, 320, 40] Spacing: [0.71875, 0.71875, 4] Origin: [-63.5501, -156.401, -57.1759] Direction: 0.972062 -0.19324 -0.133243 0.217328 0.955414 0.199881 0.0886773 -0.223254 0.970718
IndexToPointMatrix: 0.69867 -0.138891 -0.532972 0.156204 0.686704 0.799524 0.0637368 -0.160464 3.88287
PointToIndexMatrix: 1.35243 0.30237 0.123377 -0.268855 1.32927 -0.310615 -0.0333107 0.0499702 0.24268
Inverse Direction: 0.972062 0.217329 0.0886773 -0.193239 0.955414 -0.223254 -0.133243 0.199881 0.970719
PixelContainer: ImportImageContainer (00000246F9CA4DD0) RTTI typeinfo: class itk::ImportImageContainer<unsigned __int64,float> Reference Count: 1 Modified Time: 64478 Debug: Off Object Name: Observers: none Pointer: 0000024694D6D040 Container manages memory: true Size: 3456000 Capacity: 3456000