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OpenCV Error: Assertion failed
When I tried the code with 001_input_hole.png, program didn't finish because of following error: OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (dst.cols < SHRT_MAX && dst.rows < SHRT_MAX && src.cols < SHRT_MAX && src.rows < SHRT_MAX) in cv::remap, file C:\bld\opencv_1497792021051\work\opencv-3.2.0\modules\imgproc\src\imgwarp.cpp, line 4956 cv2.error: C:\bld\opencv_1497792021051\work\opencv-3.2.0\modules\imgproc\src\imgwarp.cpp:4956: error: (-215) dst.cols < SHRT_MAX && dst.rows < SHRT_MAX && src.cols < SHRT_MAX && src.rows < SHRT_MAX in function cv::remap
Is there a way to fix this?