@danielvillalbamota thankyou for your response. i tried `Fiware-Service: myHome` and `Fiware-ServicePath: /environment` as the entity is in that scope. but still getting a same error `{"error":"MethodNotAllowed","description":"method not allowed"}.`
@mcarans I would like to work in this issue but I am unable to reproduce this issue. Can you provide me more information on how to reproduce it.
@BonaBeavis I am interested to work in this issue
@BonaBeavis Regarding this issue i want to know only we have to delete the extension tutorials . please confirm
you should delete all the ckan volumes and delete the docker images and then rebuilding from the contrib/docker folder
@Zharktas sir i try to reproduce the issue by creating the extension using cli method but did not find any error. and sharing some screenshot for that . please help...
@hongjie123 Regarding this issue checked the source code and find this feature is already present in ckan.
@cesarjorgemartinez @fgalan connect the iotmanger ( and hit device provisioning API but didn’t get any response by iot manager. Although device successfully register. Use debugger in the source code of...