terraform-provider-sumologic copied to clipboard
log-search: cron_expression is populated and so subsequent plans show drift if not provided
Documentation for log-search's schedule shows that cron_expression
is an optional field; and that schedule type takes precedence if provided. https://registry.terraform.io/providers/SumoLogic/sumologic/latest/docs/resources/log_search#cron_expression
However if I create a scheduled search with a type and don't provide a log expression, subsequent plans show a cron expression filled and so I have perpetual drift.
My resource:
resource "sumologic_log_search" "log_search" {
description = "Ingest Outlier - Managed by Terraform"
id = (known after apply)
name = "Ingest Outlier"
parent_id = "000000000470D11A"
parsing_mode = "Manual"
query_string = <<-EOT
run_by_receipt_time = false
schedule {
mute_error_emails = true
schedule_type = "8Hours"
time_zone = "America/New_York"
notification {
webhook_search_notification {
itemize_alerts = false
payload = jsonencode(
blocks = [
accessory = {
action_id = "overflow-action"
options = [
text = {
emoji = true
text = "{{Results.event_time}}"
type = "plain_text"
value = "value-0"
text = {
emoji = true
text = "Sumo Link"
type = "plain_text"
url = "{{QueryURL}}"
value = "value-1"
type = "overflow"
text = {
text = "Ingest exceed 1 Standard Deviation from the mean :`{{Results.message}}`"
type = "mrkdwn"
type = "section"
webhook_id = "MYID"
parseable_time_range {
begin_bounded_time_range {
from {
relative_time_range {
relative_time = "-7d"
threshold {
count = 0
operator = "gt"
threshold_type = "message"
time_range {
begin_bounded_time_range {
from {
relative_time_range {
relative_time = "-7d"
Once applied subsequent plans show:
~ resource "sumologic_log_search" "log_search" {
id = "ID"
name = "Ingest Outlier"
# (5 unchanged attributes hidden)
~ schedule {
- cron_expression = "0 0 0/8 * * ? *" -> null
# (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
# (3 unchanged blocks hidden)
# (1 unchanged block hidden)
Expected Behavior
That since schedule_type is provided and is not custom, I should not need to have a cron_expression
and its dif is not returned to me. Else this input should be labeled as required.