@curbengh Recently I have found a package on npm: Have a look?
`url_for` is designed to transform the URL path. It should not be used to convert file system path into URL.
I don't see how pre-compressed files can be served in hexo-server. I mean, most of the theme doesn't provide pre-compressed js & css.
@kfatehi Try adding this to your site's `_config.yml`? ```yaml # _config.yml server: serveStatic: acceptRanges: true ``` hexo-server uses `serve-static` under the hood, which has an option for `range` support.
@curbengh `hexo.config` is added by `load_config`, thus the failsafe is always there. Plugins‘ unit test? They should be written in valid config format (because we already transform it into the...
@jiangtj @curbengh @stevenjoezhang Please consider the Breaking Change we introduced and the backward compatibility of current themes. If theme is designed to work with the current configuration format, then we...
Minimum required Node.js version has bumped to 12.13, which is the first LTS version of Node.js 12:
@curbengh We might not bring up Worker Threads during Hexo 5.0.0 development. So we can leave this PR here until we officially drop Node.js 12.
More performance benchmark needs to be done before we merge this.
Note, that #13 and #14 introduce some Breaking Changes (in order to match the behavior of `@babel/register`). A major version bumped will be required.