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一种较为舒适的数据状态管理书写方式,内部自动生成 action, 只需记住一个 action,可以修改任意的 state 值,方便简洁,释放你的 CV 键~

rc-redux-model 👋

English | 中文文档

Refer to dva's data flow solution and redux-thunk, internally implement middleware; provide default behavior action, call this action can directly modify any value in state, development is more convenient and concise, support Immutable ~

⛏ install

npm install rc-redux-model --save-dev

✨ feature

  • Lightweight and concise, writing data management is as comfortable as writing dva
  • Refer to redux-thunk, implement your own middleware internally to handle asynchronous actions
  • Abandon redux-saga, the asynchronous request can be processed by the user, or the provided method can be called to send, the return is a Promise
  • Provide the default action Action, call this Action, you can directly modify any value in the state
  • Support Immutable, just config it to make your data immutable

⏳ how did it come from ?

  • why rc-redux-model and what's rc-redux-model
  • rc-redux-model design ideas and practices

🚀 usage

Before using, please read this description again, and then read the complete example to get started quickly . 👉 If you want to know how it came, you can check here

  1. Create a new model folder, add a new userModel.js under the folder
import adapter from '@common/adapter';

const userModel = {
  namespace: 'userModel',
  openSeamlessImmutable: true,
  state: {
    classId: '',
    studentList: [],
    userInfo: {
      name: 'PDK',
  action: {
    // demo: dispatch an asynchronous request, change `globalModel` loading status
    // after the asynchronous request is over, modify reducers
    fetchUserInfo: async ({ dispatch, call }) => {
      // before the asynchronous request
        type: 'globalModel/changeLoadingStatus',
        payload: true,
      let res = await call(adapter.callAPI, params);
      // after the asynchronous request
      if (res.code === 0) {
          type: 'userModel/setStore',
          payload: {
            key: 'userInfo',
            values: res.data,
          type: 'globalModel/changeLoadingStatus',
          payload: false,
      return res;

export default userModel;
  1. Gather all models, please note that what is exported here is an array
// model/index.js
import userModel from './userModel';

export default [userModel];
  1. Process models, register middleware
// createStore.js
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import models from './models';
import RcReduxModel from 'rc-redux-model';

const reduxModel = new RcReduxModel(models);

const reducerList = combineReducers(reduxModel.reducers);
return createStore(reducerList, applyMiddleware(reduxModel.thunk));
  1. Use in the page

Please note that the actions here are all asynchronous actions. Refer to redux-thunk for the implementation of internal middleware. That is to say, one of our dispatch and one action is a corresponding method. Look at the code:

class MyComponents extends React.PureComponent {
  componentDidMount() {
    // demo1 : dispatch an asynchronous action and modify the value of reducers after the request is completed
    // The request is written by yourself in model.action, which supports Promise.
    // Before we need to callback the data after the request, now you can get it directly by Promise.then()
        type: 'userModel/fetchUserInfo',
      .then((res) => {
      .catch((err) => {

    // demo2: call the `automatically generated default action` and directly modify the value of state.userInfo (this method is recommended)
      type: 'userModel/setStore',
      payload: {
        key: 'userInfo',
        values: {
          name: 'sugarTeam',
    // demo3: call the `automatically generated default action` to modify the state in the form of an array (this method is recommended)
      type: 'userModel/setStoreList',
      payload: [
          key: 'userInfo',
          values: {
            name: 'sugarTeam',
          key: 'classId',
          values: 'sugarTurboS-666',

hooks ?

// Usage with React Redux: Typing the useSelector hook & Typing the useDispatch hook
// https://redux.js.org/recipes/usage-with-typescript#usage-with-react-redux
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

export function useFetchUserInfo() {
  const dispatch = useDispatch();
  return async (userId: string) => {
    // Here I choose to handle the asynchronous by myself.
    // After the asynchronous request is completed, I will pass the data to the reducer.
    const res = await MyAdapterAPI(userId);
    if (res.code === 200) {
        type: 'userModel/setStore',
        payload: {
          key: 'userInfo',
          values: res.data,

Related description

For more information about rc-redux-model, please move to here : rc-redux-model design related instructions


Each model receives 5 attributes, as follows

parameter description type defaultValue
namespace the model's namespace, Must, and only string -
state the model's state,Must, and only object {}
action action,not necessary object -
reducers reducer,not necessary object -

default action to change state

  • modify single data
// Class Component  Writing
  type: '[model.namespace]/setStore',
  payload: {
    key: `${model.state.key}`,
    values: `${your values}`

// Hooks Writing
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
const dispatch = useDispatch();
  type: '[model.namespace]/setStore',
  payload: {
    key: `${model.state.key}`,
    values: `${your values}`
  • modify multiple data
// Class Component  Writing
  type: '[model.namespace]/setStoreList',
  payload: [
      key: `${model.state.key}`,
      values: `${your values}`
      key: `${model.state.key}`,
      values: `${your values}`

// Hooks Writing
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
const dispatch = useDispatch();
  type: '[model.namespace]/setStoreList',
  payload: [
      key: `${model.state.key}`,
      values: `${your values}`
      key: `${model.state.key}`,
      values: `${your values}`


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PRs accepted.


MIT © 2020 PDKSophia/SugarTurboS

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