sp-react-native-in-app-updates copied to clipboard
Check needs update showing errors
LOG [Error: sp-react-native-in-app-updates checkNeedsUpdate error: Error: com.google.android.play.core.appupdate.internal.zzy: Failed to bind to the service.]
I'm facing the same error.
Same here!
Added <uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.finsky.permission.BIND_GET_INSTALL_REFERRER_SERVICE" tools:node="remove"/>
in AndroidManifest.xml
I had the same error.
"react-native": "0.71.9", "sp-react-native-in-app-updates": "^1.3.1",
In my case this error was appearing only in Android in case i was trying to bypass android build version through -> await inAppUpdates.checkNeedsUpdate({0.0.2}). In order to make it work :
- Remove version from checkNeedsUpdate
- Downgrade versionCode* (not versionName) from build.gradle (app)
- Run ./gradlew clean in android folder
- Build
- Done
*PS: work with real device and not emaulator
This sounds like something on the environment is wrong (i.e you're testing on an emulator).
I see it as a more generic in app updates sdk issue and not related to the react-native wrapper library that sp-react-native-in-app-updates
You'll probably get better answers in SO but this requires trial and error to resolve unfortunately. Google hasn't made debugging in app updates easy.