vscode-extensions-open-in-browser icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vscode-extensions-open-in-browser copied to clipboard

Open in Browser

What's new?

  • rewrite the code with TypeScript, now it dependes on a tiny library npm/opn
  • support more browsers: Chromium(Mac only), Firefox Developer Edition(Mac only), Edge(Windows only, sometimes it won't work)
  • you can open any type of file with the default program, not only html file.

How it works?

  • on win32 uses start
  • on darwin uses open
  • otherwise uses the xdg-open script from freedesktop.org


use Alt + B shortcut to open current html file in default browser, or Shift + Alt + B to choose a browser. you could also right click just like the picture: img

when you choose open in Other Browsers, a browser list will display, and you could choose one to open current file. img

when you choose open in Default Browser, it means system default browser by default. If you want to configure the default browser, you could override it like that: img if you configured the default browser, when you choose open in Default Browser, your configured browser will works.

you do not need to set open-in-browser.default a very accurate value, as long as the value matches any of the following terms, I will handle it: Chrome values: chrome, google chrome, google-chrome, gc Firefox values: firefox, mozilla firefox, ff IE values: ie, iexplore Safari values: safari Opera values: opera Chromium values: chromium Firefox Developer Edition values: firefox developer, fde, firefox developer edition Edge values: edge, msedge, microsoftedge


key command
Alt + B open in default browser
Shift + Alt + B open in specified browser


see changelog for more infomation
