Robin Sue
Robin Sue
Are you using the nuget version? It seems that while Analyzers and CodeFixes work, CodeRefactorings do not. If you're using the nuget version, you should be able to workaround the...
@mikesigs that is nothing to worry about (in terms of analyzing), that just means that `Code` is a getter on `AnsiConsoleTheme` for which it cannot generate a constant value that...
Yes i need to catch up with improvements to the config system of serilog 😉
So actually this is by design from roslyn, code refactorings only get loaded from VSIX packages, see explanation here
No, you should only need to install the VSIX or the nuget package to have analysis results popping up. Just to make sure, you're using Serilog, not Microsoft.Extensions.Logging, right?
@bond-a i suppose this is because on SDK style projects, references are transitive, do any of the solutions described here work for you?
Do you have a sample that reproduces this issue? The snippet the exception has captured `ExecutionLog.Fatal("{exception.Message);` does not reproduce it for me.
SerilogAnalyzer currently only supports Serilog directly, see
The idea of using `System.Runtime.Intrinsics` is always to check ```csharp int result; if (System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Popcnt.IsSupported) { result = System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Popcnt.PopCount(x); } else { result = SoftwarePopCount(x); } ``` `IsSupported` is a JIT...
@NicolasDorier .NET Framework won't be getting this (don't have any hopes for new features in there), mono is thinking about adapting them IIRC