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Backend of the Substra software

Substra-Backend Python Helm Docker build Doc Slack


Substra is an open source federated learning (FL) software. This specific repository is the backend of the Substra software.


Running a development instance

This section details how you can get started on running a local substra backend. For this you will need a running Kubernetes cluster and the orchestrator deployed in this cluster.

If you want to run the substra-backend with Skaffold you will need to add the twuni and bitnami helm repos:

helm repo add twuni
helm repo add bitnami

To launch the substra backend:

skaffold dev


skaffold run

This will spawn several pods in two different namespaces to simulate several organizations: 'org-1' and 'org-2'. Each organization will have:

  • Postgres database
  • Redis message broker
  • Docker registry
  • Kaniko cache warmer
  • Celery beat
  • 2 celery workers (a worker executing tasks and a scheduler restarting hanging tasks and performing cleanup tasks)
  • a Job to run migrations and add accounts.
  • the API backend
  • the events backend converting events from the orchestrator into celery tasks


For Visual Studio resources for substra-backend, see this page

Use dev profile

Use skaffold [run|dev] -p dev in order to take advantage of:

  • Pre-installed dev tools: debugger, profiler
  • Test modules: fixtures, assets factory, utils
  • Run application container as root: install packages, edit files, restart services

Use debugger

Add a breakpoint, then attach to the backend-server container.

kubectl attach -it -n org-1 $(kubectl get pods -o=name -n org-1 -l

Use Ctrl+p then Ctrl+q to detach without killing the container.


Running on multiple kubernetes nodes

The backend can be deployed on a kubernete cluster running more than one kubernetes node.

To run the worker and the server on two different nodes: Label the nodes:

kubectl label nodes <node_name> server=true
kubectl label nodes <node_name> worker=true

Deploy the backend with: - skaffold run -p add-worker-server-node-selectors to run 1 server pod and 1 worker pod on 2 separate kubernetes nodes. The nodes need to be labelled (see add-worker-server-node-selectors.yaml) - skaffold run -p spread-workers to spread the workers across the x different nodes.

You can draw from this documentation to set up the config according to your needs: number of kubernetes nodes, number of worker replicas, way to spread workers across the kubernetes nodes.

Run with servermedia profile

To enable storing datasamples on the servermedia PVC instead of minio, use skaffold run -p servermedias. The PVs need to be created prior to requesting them inside the PVC:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: backend-org-1-substra-backend-servermedias
  labels: < Release.Name > # here it will be backend-org-1
  storageClassName: manual
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete # You can also use "Retain" or "Recycle"
    storage: 20Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    path: "/tmp/org-1/servermedias"

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: backend-org-2-substra-backend-servermedias
  labels: < Release.Name > # here it will be backend-org-2
  storageClassName: manual
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete # You can also use "Retain" or "Recycle"
    storage: 20Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    path: "/tmp/org-2/servermedias"

Django management

To get access to the Django management tool, spawn a shell in the running container:

kubectl -n org-1 exec -i -t $(kubectl -n org-1 get pods -o name) -c substra-backend -- /bin/bash

This will also gives you access to the celery CLI. You can issue celery inspect active_queues to examine consumed queues.

Running substrapp in a venv

If your useCase only involves the django app (not the eventapp, nor the compute engine for instance), you may easily run it and serve the API without a k8s cluster. See this page

Execute unit tests

Unit tests require to have a running postgres instance.

If it is not already running, you could start a new DB, using the command below. This command will only work if you have a local docker daemon running. It is recommended to use the same version as the one defined in the charts.

make db

Alternatively, you could also set the environment variables defined in backend.settings.test to provide any DB info.

export BACKEND_DB_NAME=<db_name> \
    BACKEND_DB_USER=<db_user> \
    BACKEND_DB_PWD=<db_password> \
    BACKEND_DB_HOST=<db_host> \

Make sure you have the requirements installed:

pip install -r backend/dev-requirements.txt

Then launch unit tests:

make test

A coverage report can be obtained with:

make coverage

Should you prefer an HTML report, you can use coverage html from the backend directory.

Updating gRPC definitions

Assuming you have cloned the orchestrator in <orchestrator_root>:

cd backend
ORCHESTRATOR_ROOT=<orchestrator_root> make orchestrator-grpc

Note that this requires grpcio-tools, which should be available if you installed requirements (see above).

Accessing the app

On deployment, several user accounts are created (for ./values/backend-org-1.yaml and ./values/backend-org-2.yaml).

The sample credentials for org1 are:

  • user: org-1
  • pass: p@sswr0d44

Provided you have correctly setup your network configuration, you can use them to access the exposed API at


Make sure you deploy this backend with a compatible ecosystem. Always refer to the compatibility table.

The recommended way to run a specific version (X.Y.Z) of substra-backend is to execute:

skaffold deploy --images substrafoundation/substra-backend:$SUBSTRA_BACKEND_VERSION

Code formatting

You can opt into auto-formatting of code on pre-commit using Black.

This relies on hooks managed by pre-commit, which you can set up as follows.

Install pre-commit, then run:

pre-commit install

How to generate the changelog

The changelog is managed with towncrier. To add a new entry in the changelog, add a file in the changes folder. The file name should have the following structure: <unique_id>.<change_type>. The unique_id is a unique identifier, we currently use the PR number. The change_type can be of the following types: added, changed, removed, fixed.

To generate the changelog (for example during a release), use the following command (you must have the dev dependencies installed):

towncrier build --version=<x.y.z>

You can use the --draft option to see what would be generated without actually writing to the changelog (and without removing the fragments).

Companion repositories

The Substra platform is built from several components (see the architecture documentation for a comprehensive overview):

  • orchestrator contains the orchestration logic of a federated learning deployment
  • substra-frontend is the frontend consuming the API exposed by the backend
  • substra-tests is the Substra end to end test suite

Running the backend on arm64 architecture (apple chip)

Tested with:

  • python 3.9.4
  • pip 22.0.4

Currently, only the dev mode is supported with this architecture.

  1. uwsgi

When using pyenv-virtualenv, the python library might not be linked correctly into the python directory. Adding a manual link sudo ln -s to the expected folder will solve the issue:

sudo ln -s /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/Library/Frameworks/Python3.framework/Versions/3.9.4/lib/python3.9/config-3.9-darwin <INSERT YOUR NOT-FOUND-PATH HERE WITHOUT libpython3.9.a FILENAME>

Link to the Gihtub issue giving the hack

  1. Deploy with skaffold run -p dev,arm64

  2. If you're using conda to manage your Python environments, you need to install grpcio from conda:

pip uninstall grpcio
conda install -c conda-forge grpcio


This project is developed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (Apache-2.0), located in the LICENSE file.