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Consistent coding style

Open MarijnS95 opened this issue 6 years ago • 3 comments

Put a styleguide together covering both formatting (eg. settings for the built in formatter) and syntactical matters. Below is a list of inconsistencies and changes I've noticed in the project.


  • Spaces between keywords and parentheses if ( vs if(.
  • Unnecessary (trailing) white space (VS removes this on format).
  • Sorting of fields and methods (dependent on access modifiers mostly).
  • Use docstrings /// instead of regular (//) comments.
    • If needed, use the right syntax to refer to variables etc.

Syntactical / formatting (mixed):

  • Unnecessary use of this.
  • Braces around one liners (and ofc method body on a separate line). Single line method expressions are OK too.
  • Parens around assignment expressions foo = (bar != none);.
  • Unused (and unordered) using statements (VS can fix this as well).
  • Unnecessary casts.
  • Write field initializers at declaration instead of in the constructor (if applicable). public readonly List<string> SomeThings { get; } = new List<string>(); versus assigning it in the contstructor.
  • Short notations:
    • Null propagation such as foo = bar ?? cake;.
    • Ternary if statements such as foo = bar < 0 ? bar : foo;.
    • Safe navigation operator var foo = bla?.something;.

Safe code practices:

  • As strict as possible access modifiers (to indicate usage and prevent ambiguity):
    • Use static when a method doesn't (need to) touch local variables.
    • const and readonly where possible.
    • public vs internal, with multiple libraries going on this might be a good idea.
    • private on 'unity functions' that should not be called by our code (Awake, Start, etc)
    • Remove private set; when a property is only assigned in the constructor (or directly).
    • sealed classes? I'd say that's out of scope, until we start allowing plugins and such (or build a complete modding framework).
  • Check for NRE's everywhere;
  • Especially when retrieving datastructures from game-code. The game is constantly in development, and things will change. Defensive programming practices are a must to aid in debugging and correcting these changes later on.


  • CTS or aliases (Int vs int and so on).
  • lowerCamelCase for everything private, UpperCamelCase for everything else?


  • Use of inline functions vs defining a full function with types etc.
  • Also applies to lambda notation: private bool cake() => foo != null;.
  • Sort Compile items in csproj files; this reduces faulty decisions in merge conflicts.
  • Use file-scoped namespace declarations for new code.

And remember, it's not so much a matter of preference as it is a matter of consistency.

MarijnS95 avatar Sep 12 '17 18:09 MarijnS95

Most of those rules could be enforced with a stylecop ruleset:

Violations of those rules would then pop up as warnings (or errors if you like).

If you guys think that this would be useful, i could give it a try.

brianpopow avatar Mar 03 '19 19:03 brianpopow

I could go through the modules one by one and enforce this style.

ghost avatar Jan 12 '21 15:01 ghost

We should first discuss code style and create the code style files that visual studio and/or intellij use so they can enforce it. Fixing code style now will just lead to PRs changing it again which would be a waste of time.

Measurity avatar Jan 12 '21 16:01 Measurity

Closing as this got stale and fixing code-style is an ongoing process between the preferences of all Nitrox developers.

Measurity avatar Dec 26 '23 22:12 Measurity