RNN_video_object_detection copied to clipboard
This is the implementation of our BMVC 2016 paper "Context Matters: Refining Object Detection in Video with Recurrent Neural Networks".
- It includes conversion of YOLO binary weight file to python weights
- finetuning YOLO with theano and lasagne for youtube-objects dataset : DA-YOLO as referred in the paper, the pseudo-label generator
- I have included the compatible label/annotations I needed to create for training & eval in theano.
- Pre-calculated features for training and test numpy arrays are available with me. However, those are bigger than the allowable file size for uploading.
- fine tuned DA-YOLO weights are 1.1 GB, however the conversion python file could be used to generate those. YOLO weight bin file can be downloaded from darknet website.
- GRU training and evaluation code and visual results - this notebook is large.
use the following command if it doesn't open directly here:
http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/ and use SubarnaTripathi/RNN_video_object_detection in the box. And, open
** The code requires cleaning, which I'll eventually do. **