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Unable to attach a unique `requestId` to Suave log messages
I'm looking at sending Suave logs to Seq.
A key feature is missing. Log messages generated by Suave should have the associated requestId
(where appropriate) so they can be easily filtered:
Using the following sample code, I've managed to associate my custom log events with the context.request.trace.traceId
field, however all other related Suave debug events have no such field:
open System
open Suave
open Suave.Operators
open Suave.Filters
open Suave.RequestErrors
let main argv =
let logger = Logary.Facade.Seq.SeqTarget([||], Logging.Verbose, "http://localhost:5341")
:> Suave.Logging.Logger
let myapp : WebPart =
choose [
path "/" >=> GET >=> Successful.OK "Hello World!"
path "/" >=> POST >=> Successful.OK "{\"hello\": \"world\"}"
NOT_FOUND "What are you trying to do?"
>=> logWithLevelStructured Logging.Info logger (fun context ->
let fields : (string * obj) list = [
"requestMethod", box context.request.method
"requestPathAndQuery", box context.request.url.PathAndQuery
"requestId", box context.request.trace.traceId
"httpStatusReason", box context.response.status.reason
"httpStatusCode", box context.response.status.code
"requestForm", box context.request.form ]
"HTTP {requestMethod} at \"{requestPathAndQuery}\" responded {httpStatusReason} ({httpStatusCode})",
fields |> Map.ofList
let config = { defaultConfig with logger = logger }
startWebServer config myapp
@haf what do you think? Have you ever tried correlating Suave debug messages to a particular request?
Yes, I'm on my way towards it, but haven't reached that point yet.
So as you can see I have all the building parts written, just need to combine them. I wouldn't mind help doing that.
module Program
open System
open Suave
open Suave.Operators
open Suave.Filters
open Suave.RequestErrors
open Suave.Logging
open Logary
open Logary.Adapters.Facade
open Logary.Configuration
open Logary.EventsProcessing
open Logary.Targets
open System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
let main argv =
let traceId =
fun next msg ->
Message.setContext "traceId" (CallContext.LogicalGetData("traceId")) msg
|> next
let threadId =
fun next msg ->
Message.setContext "ManagedThreadId" (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) msg
|> next
let logary =
Config.create "suave.example" "localhost"
|> Config.ilogger (ILogger.LiterateConsole Verbose)
|> Config.middleware traceId
|> Config.middleware threadId
|> (LiterateConsole.create LiterateConsole.empty "console")
|> Config.processing ( |> Events.sink ["console"])
LogaryFacadeAdapter.initialise<Suave.Logging.Logger> logary
let logger = Suave.Logging.Log.create "logger.from.suave"
let myapp : WebPart =
(fun ctx -> async {
CallContext.LogicalSetData("traceId", ctx.request.trace.traceId) (Suave.Logging.Message.eventX "set trace id from beginning")
return Some ctx
choose [
path "/" >=> GET >=> fun x -> async { (Suave.Logging.Message.eventX "got some msg")
do! Async.Sleep 200
do! logger.infoWithBP (Suave.Logging.Message.eventX "after some working")
failwith "something wrong"
return! Successful.OK "Hello World!" x
path "/" >=> POST >=> Successful.OK "{\"hello\": \"world\"}"
NOT_FOUND "What are you trying to do?"
let eh (ex: exn) msg ctx = async {
let msg =
Suave.Logging.Message.eventX msg
>> Suave.Logging.Message.addExn ex
|> logger.infoWithBP
do! msg
return! Suave.RequestErrors.BAD_REQUEST (ctx.request.trace.traceId.ToString() + " "+ ex.Message) ctx
let config = { defaultConfig with logger = logger; errorHandler = eh }
startWebServer config myapp
if you are concern about request logs around application business logic, maybe things above can meet your need.
however all other related Suave debug events have no such field:
some parts are not have their request
info there, so they can not have such a field. if we can hook the set traceid part here facade.processRequest _ctx
, maybe can get something you want ?