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SQL/AzerothCoreHeirloomVendors.sql was outdated

Open zhangzc opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

I have modified the SQL, But I haven't tested it in detail.

SET @BoA :=601704; SET @guid :=601704;

DELETE FROM creature_template WHERE entry=@BoA; INSERT INTO creature_template (entry,difficulty_entry_1,difficulty_entry_2,difficulty_entry_3,KillCredit1,KillCredit2,modelid1,modelid2,modelid3,modelid4,name,subname,IconName,gossip_menu_id,minlevel,maxlevel,exp,faction,npcflag,speed_walk,speed_run,scale,rank,dmgschool,baseattacktime,rangeattacktime,unit_class,unit_flags,unit_flags2,dynamicflags,family,trainer_type,trainer_spell,trainer_class,trainer_race,type,type_flags,lootid,pickpocketloot,skinloot,PetSpellDataId,VehicleId,mingold,maxgold,AIName,MovementType,HoverHeight,RacialLeader,movementId,RegenHealth,mechanic_immune_mask,flags_extra,ScriptName,VerifiedBuild)VALUES (@BOA,0,0,0,0,0,25900,0,0,0,'GlowingSoul','HeirloomMerchant',NULL,0,63,64,1,35,130,1,1.14286,1,0,0,2000,2000,2,33024,2048,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'',0,1,0,0,1,0,2,'',12340); -- Text DELETE FROM npc_text WHERE ID=601017; INSERT INTO npc_text (ID, text0_0, text0_1, lang0, Probability0, em0_0, em0_1, em0_2, em0_3, em0_4, em0_5, text1_0, text1_1, lang1, Probability1, em1_0, em1_1, em1_2, em1_3, em1_4, em1_5, text2_0, text2_1, lang2, Probability2, em2_0, em2_1, em2_2, em2_3, em2_4, em2_5, text3_0, text3_1, lang3, Probability3, em3_0, em3_1, em3_2, em3_3, em3_4, em3_5, text4_0, text4_1, lang4, Probability4, em4_0, em4_1, em4_2, em4_3, em4_4, em4_5, text5_0, text5_1, lang5, Probability5, em5_0, em5_1, em5_2, em5_3, em5_4, em5_5, text6_0, text6_1, lang6, Probability6, em6_0, em6_1, em6_2, em6_3, em6_4, em6_5, text7_0, text7_1, lang7, Probability7, em7_0, em7_1, em7_2, em7_3, em7_4, em7_5, VerifiedBuild) VALUES (601017, 'Greetings $N. I carry artifacts forged from the old world to help you in your journey.', NULL, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);

-- Items DELETE FROM npc_vendor WHERE entry=@BoA; INSERT INTO npc_vendor (entry,slot,item,maxcount,incrtime,ExtendedCost) VALUES (@BoA,0,42943,0,0,0), -- Bloodied Arcanite Reaper (@BoA,0,42944,0,0,0), -- Balanced Heartseeker (@BoA,0,42945,0,0,0), -- Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge (@BoA,0,42946,0,0,0), -- Charmed Ancient Bone Bow (@BoA,0,42947,0,0,0), -- Dignified Headmaster's Charge (@BoA,0,42948,0,0,0), -- Devout Aurastone Hammer (@BoA,0,42949,0,0,0), -- Polished Spaulders of Valor (@BoA,0,42950,0,0,0), -- Champion Herod's Shoulder (@BoA,0,42951,0,0,0), -- Mystical Pauldrons of Elements (@BoA,0,42952,0,0,0), -- Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders (@BoA,0,42984,0,0,0), -- Preened Ironfeather Shoulders (@BoA,0,42985,0,0,0), -- Tattered Dreadmist Mantle (@BoA,0,42991,0,0,0), -- Swift Hand of Justice (@BoA,0,42992,0,0,0), -- Discerning Eye of the Beast (@BoA,0,44091,0,0,0), -- Sharpened Scarlet Kris (@BoA,0,44092,0,0,0), -- Reforged Truesilver Champion (@BoA,0,44093,0,0,0), -- Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon (@BoA,0,44094,0,0,0), -- The Blessed Hammer of Grace (@BoA,0,44095,0,0,0), -- Grand Staff of Jordan (@BoA,0,44096,0,0,0), -- Battleworn Thrash Blade (@BoA,0,44097,0,0,0), -- Inherited Insignia of the Horde (@BoA,0,44098,0,0,0), -- Inherited Insignia of the Alliance (@BoA,0,44099,0,0,0), -- Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons (@BoA,0,44100,0,0,0), -- Pristine Lightforge Spaulders (@BoA,0,44101,0,0,0), -- Prized Beastmaster's Mantle (@BoA,0,44102,0,0,0), -- Aged Pauldrons of The Five Thunders (@BoA,0,44103,0,0,0), -- Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders (@BoA,0,44105,0,0,0), -- Lasting Feralheart Spaulders (@BoA,0,44107,0,0,0), -- Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle (@BoA,0,48677,0,0,0), -- Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate (@BoA,0,48685,0,0,0), -- Polished Breastplate of Valor (@BoA,0,48687,0,0,0), -- Preened Ironfeather Breastplate (@BoA,0,48689,0,0,0), -- Stained Shadowcraft Tunic (@BoA,0,48683,0,0,0), -- Mystical Vest of Elements (@BoA,0,48691,0,0,0), -- Tattered Dreadmist Robe (@BoA,0,48716,0,0,0), -- Venerable Mass of McGowan (@BoA,0,48718,0,0,0), -- Repurposed Lava Dredger (@BoA,0,50255,0,0,0); -- Dread Pirate Ring

-- ######################################################-- -- NPC SPAWN POINTS -- ######################################################--

DELETE FROM creature WHERE id1=@BoA; INSERT INTO creature (guid,id1,map,spawnMask,phaseMask,equipment_id,position_x,position_y,position_z,orientation,spawntimesecs,currentwaypoint,curhealth,curmana,MovementType,npcflag,unit_flags,dynamicflags) VALUES (@guid,@BoA,0,1,1,0,-9022.275391,-76.134964,88.489632,5.9219,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- Human (Northshire Valley) (@guid+1,@BoA,0,1,1,0,-6170.66,350.627,400.116,1.93837,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- Dwarf and Gnome (Coldridge Valley) (@guid+2,@BoA,1,1,1,0,10411.7,781.667,1322.71,5.26217,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- NightElf (Shadowglen) (@guid+3,@BoA,530,1,1,0,-4112.79,-13749,73.5646,4.35504,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- Draenei (Crash Site) (@guid+4,@BoA,1,1,1,0,-597.151,-4210.22,38.4318,4.08879,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- Orc and Troll (Valley of Trial) (@guid+5,@BoA,0,1,1,0,1883.85,1614.12,93.4042,4.55138,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- Undead (Deathknell) (@guid+6,@BoA,1,1,1,0,-2899.01,-231.723,53.8403,4.66684,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- Tauren (Camp Narache) (@guid+7,@BoA,530,1,1,0,10359.4,-6408.47,38.5311,1.88496,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- BloodElf (The Sunspire) (@guid+8,@BoA,609,1,1,0,2435.74,-5610.41,420.092,3.71887,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- DeathKnight (The Heart of Acherus) #1 (@guid+9,@BoA,0,1,1,0,2435.74,-5610.41,420.092,3.71887,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0); -- DeathKnight (The Heart of Acherus) #2

-- ######################################################-- -- CURRENCY CONVERSION -- ######################################################-- SET @1C :=1; -- 1 Copper SET @1S :=100; -- 1 Silver SET @5S :=500; -- 5 Silver SET @10S :=1000; -- 10 Silver SET @25S :=2500; -- 25 Silver SET @50S :=5000; -- 50 Silver SET @75S :=7500; -- 75 Silver SET @1G :=10000; -- 1 Gold SET @2G :=20000; -- 2 Gold SET @3G :=30000; -- 3 Gold SET @4G :=40000; -- 4 Gold SET @5G :=50000; -- 5 Gold SET @10G :=100000; -- 10 Gold SET @15G :=150000; -- 15 Gold SET @18G :=180000; -- 18 Gold SET @20G :=200000; -- 20 Gold SET @25G :=250000; -- 25 Gold SET @30G :=300000; -- 30 Gold SET @40G :=400000; -- 40 Gold SET @50G :=500000; -- 50 Gold SET @75G :=750000; -- 75 Gold SET @100G :=1000000; -- 100 Gold SET @250G :=2500000; -- 250 Gold SET @300G :=3000000; -- 300 Gold SET @350G :=3500000; -- 350 Gold SET @375G :=3750000; -- 375 Gold SET @500G :=5000000; -- 500 Gold SET @750G :=7500000; -- 750 Gold SET @1000G :=10000000; -- 1000 Gold SET @1500G :=15000000; -- 1500 Gold SET @2500G :=25000000; -- 2500 Gold SET @5000G :=50000000; -- 5000 Gold SET @7500G :=75000000; -- 7500 Gold SET @10000G :=100000000; -- 10000 Gold SET @12500G :=125000000; -- 12500 Gold SET @15000G :=150000000; -- 15000 Gold SET @20000G :=200000000; -- 20000 Gold SET @25000G :=250000000; -- 20000 Gold SET @50000G :=500000000; -- 50000 Gold SET @75000G :=750000000; -- 75000 Gold

-- ######################################################-- -- HEIRLOOM PRICES -- ######################################################--

UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 42943; -- Bloodied Arcanite Reaper UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 42944; -- Balanced Heartseeker UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 42945; -- Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 42946; -- Charmed Ancient Bone Bow UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 42947; -- Dignified Headmaster's Charge UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 42948; -- Devout Aurastone Hammer UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 42949; -- Polished Spaulders of Valor UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 42950; -- Champion Herod's Shoulder UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 42951; -- Mystical Pauldrons of Elements UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 42952; -- Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 42984; -- Preened Ironfeather Shoulders UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 42985; -- Tattered Dreadmist Mantle UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 42991; -- Swift Hand of Justice UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 42992; -- Discerning Eye of the Beast UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 44091; -- Sharpened Scarlet Kris UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 44092; -- Reforged Truesilver Champion UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 44093; -- Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 44094; -- The Blessed Hammer of Grace UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 44095; -- Grand Staff of Jordan UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 44096; -- Battleworn Thrash Blade UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 44097; -- Inherited Insignia of the Horde UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 44098; -- Inherited Insignia of the Alliance UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44099; -- Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44100; -- Pristine Lightforge Spaulders UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44101; -- Prized Beastmaster's Mantle UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44102; -- Aged Pauldrons of The Five Thunders UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44103; -- Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44105; -- Lasting Feralheart Spaulders UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44107; -- Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 48677; -- Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 48685; -- Polished Breastplate of Valor UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 48687; -- Preened Ironfeather Breastplate UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 48689; -- Stained Shadowcraft Tunic UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 48683; -- Mystical Vest of Elements UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 48691; -- Tattered Dreadmist Robe UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 48716; -- Venerable Mass of McGowan UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 48718; -- Repurposed Lava Dredger UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@500G WHERE entry = 50255; -- Dread Pirate Ring

zhangzc avatar May 23 '22 03:05 zhangzc

hey, its not work, but, grats to try to help,

SET @boa :=601704; SET @Guid :=601704; DELETE FROM creature_template WHERE entry=@boa; INSERT INTO creature_template (entry,difficulty_entry_1,difficulty_entry_2,difficulty_entry_3,KillCredit1,KillCredit2,modelid1,modelid2,modelid3,modelid4,name,subname,IconName,gossip_menu_id,minlevel,maxlevel,exp,faction,npcflag,speed_walk,speed_run,scale,rank,dmgschool,baseattacktime,rangeattacktime,unit_class,unit_flags,unit_flags2,dynamicflags,family,trainer_type,trainer_spell,trainer_class,trainer_race,type,type_flags,lootid,pickpocketloot,skinloot,PetSpellDataId,VehicleId,mingold,maxgold,AIName,MovementType,HoverHeight,RacialLeader,movementId,RegenHealth,mechanic_immune_mask,flags_extra,ScriptName,VerifiedBuild)VALUES (@boa,0,0,0,0,0,25900,0,0,0,'GlowingSoul','HeirloomMerchant',NULL,0,63,64,1,35,130,1,1.14286,1,0,0,2000,2000,2,33024,2048,0,0,0,0,0,0,7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'',0,1,0,0,1,0,2,'',12340); /* Erro SQL (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'rank,dmgschool,baseattacktime,rangeattacktime,unit_class,unit_flags,unit_flags2,' at line 1 */

noslid7 avatar Dec 02 '23 13:12 noslid7

This work on 12/02/2023

"The error you are facing is due to the reserved word 'rank' in your SQL script. 'Rank' is a reserved word in MySQL and, therefore, cannot be used as a column name directly without being escaped.

To resolve this, you need to enclose the word 'rank' in backticks (`) to indicate to MySQL that it is an identifier, not a reserved word. Here is the corrected snippet of your SQL code: "

SET @boa := 601704; SET @Guid := 601704; DELETE FROM creature_template WHERE entry = @boa;

INSERT INTO creature_template ( entry, difficulty_entry_1, difficulty_entry_2, difficulty_entry_3, KillCredit1, KillCredit2, modelid1, modelid2, modelid3, modelid4, name, subname, IconName, gossip_menu_id, minlevel, maxlevel, exp, faction, npcflag, speed_walk, speed_run, scale, rank, dmgschool, baseattacktime, rangeattacktime, unit_class, unit_flags, unit_flags2, dynamicflags, family, trainer_type, trainer_spell, trainer_class, trainer_race, type, type_flags, lootid, pickpocketloot, skinloot, PetSpellDataId, VehicleId, mingold, maxgold, AIName, MovementType, HoverHeight, RacialLeader, movementId, RegenHealth, mechanic_immune_mask, flags_extra, ScriptName, VerifiedBuild ) VALUES ( @boa, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25900, 0, 0, 0, 'GlowingSoul', 'HeirloomMerchant', NULL, 0, 63, 64, 1, 35, 130, 1, 1.14286, 1, 0, 0, 2000, 2000, 2, 33024, 2048, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2, '', 12340 );

-- Text DELETE FROM npc_text WHERE ID=601017; INSERT INTO npc_text (ID, text0_0, text0_1, lang0, Probability0, em0_0, em0_1, em0_2, em0_3, em0_4, em0_5, text1_0, text1_1, lang1, Probability1, em1_0, em1_1, em1_2, em1_3, em1_4, em1_5, text2_0, text2_1, lang2, Probability2, em2_0, em2_1, em2_2, em2_3, em2_4, em2_5, text3_0, text3_1, lang3, Probability3, em3_0, em3_1, em3_2, em3_3, em3_4, em3_5, text4_0, text4_1, lang4, Probability4, em4_0, em4_1, em4_2, em4_3, em4_4, em4_5, text5_0, text5_1, lang5, Probability5, em5_0, em5_1, em5_2, em5_3, em5_4, em5_5, text6_0, text6_1, lang6, Probability6, em6_0, em6_1, em6_2, em6_3, em6_4, em6_5, text7_0, text7_1, lang7, Probability7, em7_0, em7_1, em7_2, em7_3, em7_4, em7_5, VerifiedBuild) VALUES (601017, 'Greetings $N. I carry artifacts forged from the old world to help you in your journey.', NULL, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);

-- Items DELETE FROM npc_vendor WHERE entry=@boa; INSERT INTO npc_vendor (entry,slot,item,maxcount,incrtime,ExtendedCost) VALUES (@boa,0,42943,0,0,0), -- Bloodied Arcanite Reaper (@boa,0,42944,0,0,0), -- Balanced Heartseeker (@boa,0,42945,0,0,0), -- Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge (@boa,0,42946,0,0,0), -- Charmed Ancient Bone Bow (@boa,0,42947,0,0,0), -- Dignified Headmaster's Charge (@boa,0,42948,0,0,0), -- Devout Aurastone Hammer (@boa,0,42949,0,0,0), -- Polished Spaulders of Valor (@boa,0,42950,0,0,0), -- Champion Herod's Shoulder (@boa,0,42951,0,0,0), -- Mystical Pauldrons of Elements (@boa,0,42952,0,0,0), -- Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders (@boa,0,42984,0,0,0), -- Preened Ironfeather Shoulders (@boa,0,42985,0,0,0), -- Tattered Dreadmist Mantle (@boa,0,42991,0,0,0), -- Swift Hand of Justice (@boa,0,42992,0,0,0), -- Discerning Eye of the Beast (@boa,0,44091,0,0,0), -- Sharpened Scarlet Kris (@boa,0,44092,0,0,0), -- Reforged Truesilver Champion (@boa,0,44093,0,0,0), -- Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon (@boa,0,44094,0,0,0), -- The Blessed Hammer of Grace (@boa,0,44095,0,0,0), -- Grand Staff of Jordan (@boa,0,44096,0,0,0), -- Battleworn Thrash Blade (@boa,0,44097,0,0,0), -- Inherited Insignia of the Horde (@boa,0,44098,0,0,0), -- Inherited Insignia of the Alliance (@boa,0,44099,0,0,0), -- Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons (@boa,0,44100,0,0,0), -- Pristine Lightforge Spaulders (@boa,0,44101,0,0,0), -- Prized Beastmaster's Mantle (@boa,0,44102,0,0,0), -- Aged Pauldrons of The Five Thunders (@boa,0,44103,0,0,0), -- Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders (@boa,0,44105,0,0,0), -- Lasting Feralheart Spaulders (@boa,0,44107,0,0,0), -- Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle (@boa,0,48677,0,0,0), -- Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate (@boa,0,48685,0,0,0), -- Polished Breastplate of Valor (@boa,0,48687,0,0,0), -- Preened Ironfeather Breastplate (@boa,0,48689,0,0,0), -- Stained Shadowcraft Tunic (@boa,0,48683,0,0,0), -- Mystical Vest of Elements (@boa,0,48691,0,0,0), -- Tattered Dreadmist Robe (@boa,0,48716,0,0,0), -- Venerable Mass of McGowan (@boa,0,48718,0,0,0), -- Repurposed Lava Dredger (@boa,0,50255,0,0,0); -- Dread Pirate Ring

-- ######################################################-- -- NPC SPAWN POINTS -- ######################################################--

DELETE FROM creature WHERE id1=@boa; INSERT INTO creature (guid,id1,map,spawnMask,phaseMask,equipment_id,position_x,position_y,position_z,orientation,spawntimesecs,currentwaypoint,curhealth,curmana,MovementType,npcflag,unit_flags,dynamicflags) VALUES (@Guid,@boa,0,1,1,0,-9022.275391,-76.134964,88.489632,5.9219,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- Human (Northshire Valley) (@Guid+1,@boa,0,1,1,0,-6170.66,350.627,400.116,1.93837,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- Dwarf and Gnome (Coldridge Valley) (@Guid+2,@boa,1,1,1,0,10411.7,781.667,1322.71,5.26217,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- NightElf (Shadowglen) (@Guid+3,@boa,530,1,1,0,-4112.79,-13749,73.5646,4.35504,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- Draenei (Crash Site) (@Guid+4,@boa,1,1,1,0,-597.151,-4210.22,38.4318,4.08879,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- Orc and Troll (Valley of Trial) (@Guid+5,@boa,0,1,1,0,1883.85,1614.12,93.4042,4.55138,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- Undead (Deathknell) (@Guid+6,@boa,1,1,1,0,-2899.01,-231.723,53.8403,4.66684,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- Tauren (Camp Narache) (@Guid+7,@boa,530,1,1,0,10359.4,-6408.47,38.5311,1.88496,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- BloodElf (The Sunspire) (@Guid+8,@boa,609,1,1,0,2435.74,-5610.41,420.092,3.71887,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0), -- DeathKnight (The Heart of Acherus) #1 (@Guid+9,@boa,0,1,1,0,2435.74,-5610.41,420.092,3.71887,100,0,4274,3994,0,0,0,0); -- DeathKnight (The Heart of Acherus) #2

-- ######################################################-- -- CURRENCY CONVERSION -- ######################################################-- SET @1c :=1; -- 1 Copper SET @1s :=100; -- 1 Silver SET @5S :=500; -- 5 Silver SET @10s :=1000; -- 10 Silver SET @25s :=2500; -- 25 Silver SET @50s :=5000; -- 50 Silver SET @75s :=7500; -- 75 Silver SET @1g :=10000; -- 1 Gold SET @2g :=20000; -- 2 Gold SET @3g :=30000; -- 3 Gold SET @4g :=40000; -- 4 Gold SET @5G :=50000; -- 5 Gold SET @10g :=100000; -- 10 Gold SET @15G :=150000; -- 15 Gold SET @18g :=180000; -- 18 Gold SET @20g :=200000; -- 20 Gold SET @25g :=250000; -- 25 Gold SET @30G :=300000; -- 30 Gold SET @40g :=400000; -- 40 Gold SET @50G :=500000; -- 50 Gold SET @75g :=750000; -- 75 Gold SET @100g :=1000000; -- 100 Gold SET @250g :=2500000; -- 250 Gold SET @300g :=3000000; -- 300 Gold SET @350g :=3500000; -- 350 Gold SET @375G :=3750000; -- 375 Gold SET @500g :=5000000; -- 500 Gold SET @750G :=7500000; -- 750 Gold SET @1000G :=10000000; -- 1000 Gold SET @1500G :=15000000; -- 1500 Gold SET @2500G :=25000000; -- 2500 Gold SET @5000g :=50000000; -- 5000 Gold SET @7500G :=75000000; -- 7500 Gold SET @10000G :=100000000; -- 10000 Gold SET @12500G :=125000000; -- 12500 Gold SET @15000G :=150000000; -- 15000 Gold SET @20000g :=200000000; -- 20000 Gold SET @25000G :=250000000; -- 20000 Gold SET @50000G :=500000000; -- 50000 Gold SET @75000G :=750000000; -- 75000 Gold

-- ######################################################-- -- HEIRLOOM PRICES -- ######################################################--

UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 42943; -- Bloodied Arcanite Reaper UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 42944; -- Balanced Heartseeker UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 42945; -- Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 42946; -- Charmed Ancient Bone Bow UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 42947; -- Dignified Headmaster's Charge UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 42948; -- Devout Aurastone Hammer UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 42949; -- Polished Spaulders of Valor UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 42950; -- Champion Herod's Shoulder UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 42951; -- Mystical Pauldrons of Elements UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 42952; -- Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 42984; -- Preened Ironfeather Shoulders UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 42985; -- Tattered Dreadmist Mantle UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 42991; -- Swift Hand of Justice UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 42992; -- Discerning Eye of the Beast UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 44091; -- Sharpened Scarlet Kris UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 44092; -- Reforged Truesilver Champion UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 44093; -- Upgraded Dwarven Hand Cannon UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 44094; -- The Blessed Hammer of Grace UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 44095; -- Grand Staff of Jordan UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 44096; -- Battleworn Thrash Blade UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 44097; -- Inherited Insignia of the Horde UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@375G WHERE entry = 44098; -- Inherited Insignia of the Alliance UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44099; -- Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44100; -- Pristine Lightforge Spaulders UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44101; -- Prized Beastmaster's Mantle UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44102; -- Aged Pauldrons of The Five Thunders UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44103; -- Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44105; -- Lasting Feralheart Spaulders UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 44107; -- Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 48677; -- Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 48685; -- Polished Breastplate of Valor UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 48687; -- Preened Ironfeather Breastplate UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 48689; -- Stained Shadowcraft Tunic UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 48683; -- Mystical Vest of Elements UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@1000G WHERE entry = 48691; -- Tattered Dreadmist Robe UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 48716; -- Venerable Mass of McGowan UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@750G WHERE entry = 48718; -- Repurposed Lava Dredger UPDATE item_template SET sellprice=@5G, buyprice=@500g WHERE entry = 50255; -- Dread Pirate Ring

noslid7 avatar Dec 02 '23 13:12 noslid7