jszip copied to clipboard
Zipping 1GB+ and splitting to chunks is slow - is there a way to speed it up?
I see no possibilities to create a multi-volume archive, so I ended up with creating a bunch of chunks for uploading to the server (and then combine them and unzip there).
Here is the code (I'm uploading the files which names contain subfolders (e.g. '/subfolder/subsubfolder/filename.ext') - I need to recreate the structure of folders on server):
uploadCases(files: File[], equipmentCode: string, chunkId: string): Observable<ChunkDto> {
return new Observable<ChunkDto>(observer => {
this.zip = new JsZip();
files.forEach(file => {
this.zip.file(file.name.replace(/^\/+/, ''), file, { dir: false, createFolders: true });
const chunks: Blob[] = [];
this.zip.generateAsync({ type: 'arraybuffer', streamFiles: true, compression: 'STORE' }).then((arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer) => {
const totalSize = arrayBuffer.byteLength;
let offset = 0;
while (offset < totalSize) {
const chunkSize = Math.min(totalSize - offset, maxChunkBytes);
const chunk = new Blob([arrayBuffer.slice(offset, offset + chunkSize)], { type: 'application/zip' });
offset += chunkSize;
const uploadChunk = (chunk: Blob, equipmentCode: string, chunkIndex: number): Observable<ChunkDto> => {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('chunk', chunk);
formData.append('equipmentCode', equipmentCode);
formData.append('chunkIdWithIndex', `${chunkId}_${chunkIndex}`);
return this.restService.request<FormData, HttpEvent<ChunkDto>>({
method: 'POST',
url: '/cases/upload',
body: formData,
reportProgress: true
{ apiName: this.apiName, skipHandleError: true, observe: Rest.Observe.Events })
map(event => {
if (event.type === HttpEventType.UploadProgress) {
return { uploadedBytes: (event as HttpProgressEvent).loaded, totalBytes: chunk.size, complete: false, id: chunkId } as ChunkDto;
else if (event.type === HttpEventType.Response) {
return { uploadedBytes: chunk.size, totalBytes: chunk.size, complete: true, id: chunkId } as ChunkDto;
else {
return { uploadedBytes: 0, totalBytes: 0, complete: false, id: '' } as ChunkDto;
// Sequentially upload each chunk
concat(...chunks.map((chunk, index) => uploadChunk(chunk, equipmentCode, index))).subscribe(observer);
However, it is pretty slow on large archives. Probably I am doing something wrong and there's a way to speed it up?