django-nextpage icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django-nextpage copied to clipboard

Next page pagination for django

=============== Django NextPage

django-nextpage is modified from django-pagination, but only previous and next page is provided.

Since SQL COUNT statement on large table has poor performance, lots of website turns to show just next and previous page link or button.

How it works?

django-nextpage only execute one SQL statement, no count, no next page determine query.

For example:

If you want to pagiante by 20, django-nextpage will query for 21 items, if queryset length is 21, then we have next page; if queryset length is 20 or less, then we don't have next page.


Add nextpage to INSTALLED_APPS, like:

.. code:: python

   # ...

and TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS should have django.core.context_processors.request, like:

.. code:: python



Just like django-pagination, in fact it designed as a drop-in replacement. just load nextpage templatetag

{% load nextpage %}

{% autopaginate object_list 20 %}

{% paginate %}

or you can assign with different pagination template in templates/nextpage folder by

{% paginate "your_own_pagination.html" %}

.. image:: :alt: Bitdeli badge :target: