I have this issue as well, I've been trying to narrow it down. Basically sometimes when you timewarp parts will move a long a vessel from their original positions. The...
Yeah I'll get a log when I have free time. I did some research a while back and found something on the squad issue tracker called the "claw bug" where... here you go, they were too big for pastebin.
Sorry I overlooked reproducing. To be honest I have no idea, it happens randomly when messing with KAS by attaching and detaching. Attaching moreso, or whenever you get those freezes...
> Not sure if this thread is about any NRE spams , I am seeing a lot from `scatterer.OceanNode.OnPreCull` ( Related #45 ) > > ``` > [EXC 12:42:49.112] NullReferenceException:...