Dynamic and Accelerate
Dynamic and Accelerate
Could you provide the saliency map on the SOD test datasets?such as ECSSD/DUT-TE/DUT-OMRON/PASCAL/HKU-IS? Thank you for your contribute to SOD field.
请问能否提供一下DUT_TEST数据集的saliency map吗? 就是R3Net的对这个数据集的测试结果
请问在加权的BCE损失中,分子是(1+γα) 分母是γα,不一样? 代码中并没有这个加1 ,分子是否写错了?
is there any one have this problem when run the code in python3 environment ? can you give me help to solve this problem.
I konw the opencv API have the flag . such as --> retval, boundingBox = cv.Tracker.update( image ) the flag is retval to find the object wehter lost . -->Problem...
def getFeatures(self, image, inithann, scale_adjust=1.0): extracted_roi = [0,0,0,0] #[int,int,int,int] cx = self._roi[0] + self._roi[2]/2 #float cy = self._roi[1] + self._roi[3]/2 #float if(inithann): padded_w = self._roi[2] * self.padding padded_h = self._roi[3]...
Traceback (most recent call last): File "run.py", line 75, in tracker.init([ix,iy,w,h], frame) File "/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_KCF/3_uoip-KCFpy /KCFpy/kcftracker.py", line 269, in init self._tmpl = self.getFeatures(image, 1) File "/home/hp/zjc/nk_PyCharm/PyCharm_project/nk_KCF/3_uoip-KCFpy /KCFpy/kcftracker.py", line 185, in getFeatures...
请问PR曲线是用python 的代码运行的,能否提供下评测PR曲线的代码