John Haugeland
John Haugeland
1.6 has a lesser defect in the top row of the building just below and to our left of the chimney in the center what is the model difference? just...
lol i was super grossed out by this defect on the building until i realized that it was a smudge on my screen this is nice looking stuff
@lukastaegert - please consider disabling the bot that keeps closing all these active tickets
This would really help for getting eslint running on jsx
For others, while we wait, here are a few utility functions that have been serving me modestly well, although they're quite limited: ``` erlang gen_map() -> ?LET(L, list({term(), term()}), maps:from_list(L))....
This ticket should be closed, as it's [fixed in 3d211d6](
For example, coveralls does not list
This should not be closed Stalebot is a mistake
@afinetooth - if you're open to a recommendation, i have stalebot set up to add a tag in the time i actually care about, and to close after 999 years...
oy. and this is why.