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Stolao's Script Collection
Stolao's Script Collection
Usage Policy
- These scripts are designed with rAthenas codebase, if your using any other emulator these most likely will not work
- You may use, modify, and host all of my released scripts.
- You may not sell them, re-release them in any way (modified or otherwise), or remove the credits.
- My scripts are not to be used for donation purposes, but soly for the betterment of a server.
- Use at your own risk, Always run on a test server before going to a live enviroment.
- If you find any bugs either post on the rAthena forums or submit a bug report and I will fix
- If you find an error and fix yourself please submit a pull request that I may update.
- By using my scripts you agree to the terms above
Script List
At Afk
An @afk command for optional points
At Commands
A Few Useful @Commands
- @Main
- @Market
- @Home
- @BGM
- @boom
- @getskill
Auto Event
Will Automatically pick one event from the events in its list every hour and run it. Giving out an Item and Announcing the Winner.
- Event List: PvP, Zombie Survival, Dice, Lucky, Poring, Maze, Cluckers
- Uses Custom Commands, @JoinEvent and @RunEvent
Custom Functions
* All In One Headgear
* This is a simple function applied to an items OnEquip script, that lets a player choose the headgears view ID
* F_Hex
* Convert base(10) to base(16) or Hexidecimal
* Dispell
* Function use to replace sc_end all; when relevent
* 2Test_Functions
* Functions that may or may not work, will get back to later
* F_InvCheck_v1.00
* Checks both invetory count and weight for an array of items
Daily Login Rewards
On Login Players recive Items and Buffs Based on number of consecutive days logged in
- Full Customizable
- Can Set Number of Hours Between Login Prizes and Losing Consecutive Prizes make Days Weeks or even Months
- Can Item, Point, Xp or even Buff Rewards
- Consecutive Prizes for up to 2,147,483,647 Rewards
- Includes Configurable Whisper Commands for checking status of and collecting next rewards
- Includes @Command for checking status of and collecting next rewards
- Includes Dynamic Buff Rewards, supporting up to 536,870,911 different buffs
EX Job Master
Allows Players to swap in and out of all jobs freely saving there stats (non sql)
- Full Configurable with Built in Renter, Platinum Skills, Reseter, Rebirth, Baby
- Option to disable class Unlocking, so players have to earn classes from quest still
- [Bug] Platinum Skills earned through quest are lost sometimes on job change if platinum is disabled
Farming (Instance)
Coming Soon
Floating Rates
Exp and Item Drop Rates Increase and Decrease Dynamically base off Online Player Count and Config
- Easy Configuration
Reusable Flywings and Butterfly Wings
- Contains item_db, lua files and @commands
Group Buffs
Apply party / Guild buffs via npc or item (autobonus)
- Easy Configuration
Every Hour on a random Minute will give a random non-idle character and item
A mob + script based mining system
MVP Team Speed Run
- Party based MVP Ladder
- has buit in ranking for each MVP
- Configurable
Non-Abuse Healer
A simple time delay healer that stops if player moves
- Configureable Healing Rate
- Configurable Buffer
Poring Power
Some Poring are now spawn like slimes from minecraft
- Big split into 2 Medium when killed
- Medium split into 2 Small when killed
- When 4 small are killled a new big spawns somewhere
PvP Ladder
A Dynamic PvP Ladder
- Easily Configureable Settings
- In Game GM reset
Reset Girl
Just a Compressed Version of rAthena's Reset Girl
Weapon Mastery
As you train using a particular weapon type you get passive buffs depending on how much yo have used that type There are five types Onslaught, Swiftness, Safeguard, Ranged and Mystical Designed for mid sized mid rate servers, not tested on large server yet