codex_creator copied to clipboard
WARNING, THIS IS AT ALPHA STAGE! A plugin that creates a codex of plugins (and soon to be themes) from DocBlocks. Inspired by the WordPress codex and originally developed for internal use of creatin...
=== Codex Creator === Contributors: stiofansisland, paoltaia Tags: Codex, Codex Creator, Documentation, Documentation Generator License: GPLv3 License URI:
Below is the DocBlock standards and cheat sheet that should be used.
please see this page for WP standards:
@global type $varname Description. type can be any of the following: bool || float || int || array || object || wpdb $varname is the variable that is declared global. Description is the description text and should end with a period (.)
global cheat sheet: @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object. @global object $current_user The current user object which holds the user data. @global WP_Post|null $post The current post, if available. @global bool $preview True if the current page is add listing preview page. False if not.
ACTIONS/FILTERS when writing a DocBlock for an action or filter the package name is not required. when the action/filter is inside a functions please use the see tag like this: @see my_awesome_functions_name function. If there are other filter or actions also in the containing functions please list theme with the see tag also: @see my_awesome_action_name action.
IGNORE CC will skip directories containing .ccignore or ccignore.txt