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Ipad Mini 2 / RC1 working but without Cydia icon VS RC2 Kernel exploit fail
With an Ipad 2 mini under iOS 10.3.1 :
- RC1 : Exploit is working but cydia icon is not appearing (and I can't fix it with Filza which is not working)
- RC2 : Kernel exploit fail
Hope RC3 will fix this :)
Kind regards, Nico
Started using cydia:// in safari and waiting RC3 ;-)
After using Cydia to install Filza to add SBShowNonDefaultSystemApps Key, icon is still not showing.
I also added the key with plutil in "Erica Utilities" with the following command to be sure doing it right without more success : plutil -key SBShowNonDefaultSystemApps -value TRUE /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.apple.springboard.plist
Same device, same iOS version. I can get RC2 working. RC1 does have problems with icons and it's fixed in RC2. Just keep trying even if it fails. Let the CPU be on idle before jailbreaking.