g0blin copied to clipboard
Can't run my project on the jailbreak phone.
my Xcode will alert 'iphone has denied The launch request' every time, i change Product->Scheme->EditScheme->release it doesn't work.
reboot first
reboot will lose my jailbreak environment,any other solution?
I'm sorry I thought you were referring to the g0blin app.
I can confirm the same behaviour. Thanks for pointing it out.
Rename to: Can't debug xcode projects, denying request launch.
Can confirm
Not jail breaking just res paring
I am receiving the same errors. As a workaround, I have been uploading to iTunes Connect and using the app via test flight. Not ideal, but it works.
EDIT: product -> scheme -> edit scheme -> info
uncheck Debug executable
This allowed me to run the app
I had the same problem, a temporary workaround to this problem (if you want debug the app) is change the option "Launch automatically" to "Wait for executable to be launched" in (Schemes > run > Info).
Xcode will install the app but not run it, so you'll need to start it manually in your phone.